B.U. Bridge

Nobel Laureate Murray Gell-Man delivers the final 2003-2004 Pardee lecture on Wednesday, December 10, 6 p.m., SMG Auditorium

Week of 5 December 2003· Vol. VII, No. 13

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Students, staff, and friends of Boston University Hillel gathered at the Florence and Chafetz Hillel House site, located at the corner of Bay State Road and Granby Street, for a topping-off ceremony on November 23. The new building is scheduled to open in September 2004. Photo by Kalman Zabarsky.
Students, staff, and friends of Boston University Hillel gathered at the Florence and Chafetz Hillel House site, located at the corner of Bay State Road and Granby Street, for a topping-off ceremony on November 23. The new building is scheduled to open in September 2004. Photo by Kalman Zabarsky.


7 November 2003
Boston University
Office of University Relations