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Week of 24 September 2004 · Vol. VIII, No. 3

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Gerald Keusch, SPH associate dean for global health and a professor of international health (left), chats with Analjit Singh (SMG’77, GSM’79) after a lecture on September 15 in Mumbai by U.S. Ambassador to India David C. Mulford (GRS’62), sponsored by the BU Alumni Association of India. Keusch also is Medical Campus assistant provost for global health and a MED professor of medicine. This month, he became U.S. chairman of a National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases working group overseeing a bilateral Indo-U.S. vaccine program. Singh is chairman of Max India Limited, a multibusiness corporation that aims to create an integrated health-care system in India. Photo courtesy of Stacylee Kruuse

Gerald Keusch, SPH associate dean for global health and a professor of international health (left), chats with Analjit Singh (SMG’77, GSM’79) after a lecture on September 15 in Mumbai by U.S. Ambassador to India David C. Mulford (GRS’62), sponsored by the BU Alumni Association of India. Keusch also is Medical Campus assistant provost for global health and a MED professor of medicine. This month, he became U.S. chairman of a National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases working group overseeing a bilateral Indo-U.S. vaccine program. Singh is chairman of Max India Limited, a multibusiness corporation that aims to create an integrated health-care system in India. Photo courtesy of Stacylee Kruuse


24 September 2004
Boston University
Office of University Relations