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Week of 1 October 2004 · Vol. VIII, No. 3

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Conversazioni: a cross-disciplinary discussion

The 15-year-old Boston, Melbourne, Oxford Conversazioni on Culture and Society is an annual arrangement between the University Professors Program of Boston University, La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia, and Wadham College, Lincoln College, and Merton College of the University of Oxford to discuss major topics of our time in a cross-disciplinary manner. BU has hosted the event five times.

The lecturer reads his or her paper, and the reactor offers a brief comment and puts one question to the lecturer. The topic is then open to discussion.

This year’s lecturers are author and historian Andrew Roberts; Renata Adler, a UNI fellow and COM visiting professor of journalism; Roger Kimball, author and managing editor of The New Criterion; Wall Street Journal publisher and BU trustee Karen Elliott House (Hon.’03); author and publisher Keith Windschuttle; author and Daily Mail columnist Melanie Phillips; and novelist and historian David Pryce-Jones.

The reactors are Joachim Maitre, a COM professor of journalism and director of BU’s Center for Defense Journalism; Douglas Woodlock, U.S. District Court judge for the District of Massachusetts; The National Interest editor John O’Sullivan; Ken Walsh, chief White House correspondent for U.S. News and World Report; Richard Pipes, a Harvard University emeritus professor of history; Ranald Macdonald, a UNI fellow and director of British Programs at BU; and Lance Morrow, a UNI professor and a COM professor of journalism.

The chairmen for the discussions are John Silber, president emeritus, a LAW professor, a UNI professor, and a CAS professor of philosophy; author Nicholas Gage (COM’63, Hon.’85); President ad interim Aram Chobanian, a UNI professor, a MED professor of medicine and pharmacology, and John I. Sandson Distinguished Professor of Health Sciences; COM Professor Barton Carter, chairman of the department of mass communication, advertising, and public relations; and Jon Westling, president emeritus and a CAS professor of history.

Also speaking are Taki Theodoracopulos, coeditor of The American Conservative, and Kenneth Minogue, author and an emeritus professor of political science at the London School of Economics.

The lectures, which are free and open to the public, will begin on both days at 9:30 a.m. and conclude at 5:15 p.m. For more information, call the University Professors Program at 617-353-4020.

Conversazioni to examine journalistic abuse and the need for change


1 October 2004
Boston University
Office of University Relations