Abstracts & Reviews

Call for Symposium Proposals:

BUCLD 49 Symposium Proposal submission is now open.

We invite 1000-word proposals for 90-minute symposia for the Boston University Conference on Language Development on any topic likely to be of broad interest to the conference attendees. Proposals should include a list of the participants, topics, and format, and should name at least one organizer.

Deadline: Saturday, June 1, 2024 at 23:59 Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4)

Decisions on symposia will be made by July.

Send submissions to langconf@bu.edu with “Symposium proposal” in the subject line.

Call for Abstracts:

BUCLD 49 Abstract submission is now open.

We are currently accepting submissions of 500-word for 20-minute talks and posters. Please find the form here.

Deadline: Saturday, June 1, 2024 at 23:59 Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4)

Submissions that present research on any topic in the fields of first, second, and additional language acquisition from any theoretical perspectives will be fully considered. Abstracts must be limited to 500 words, with up to one extra page for examples, figures, tables, and references (for a total length of two pages). A suggested format and style for abstracts is available here.