BUCLD 46 Schedule & Abstracts

NOVEMBER 4–7, 2021

In order to make live portions of the conference accessible synchronously to all members of our international community, we have organized the schedule into two blocks: a morning/afternoon block (relative to the US Eastern Time Zone) and an evening block. Please note that Boston will change clocks from UTC-4 to UTC-5 on November 7, 2021.

Downloadable at-a-glance schedule: BUCLD46 schedule (.pdf – updated on Sept 28.)

Downloadable at-a-glance abstracts: BUCLD46 abstracts (.pdf – updated on Oct 20.)

Memorial for Lila Gleitman on Nov. 4 – sign up to participate by Oct. 18: https://bit.ly/gleitman-memorial

Need help converting the time on the schedule to your time zone? Try this website!