Fellowships and Scholarships Offered through Other BU Offices

BU Center for the Humanities
The Center for the Humanities supports the work of humanities scholars and students at Boston University through fellowships, awards, and events such as their annual forums that promote dialogue between humanities disciplines and public constituencies in ways that are vital to civic life.

Innovate@BU’s First Year Innovation Fellowship
The First Year Innovation Fellowship is a Special Program for first-year students to work on a passion project or venture in a dedicated community. Students can work solo but are encouraged to work in teams with other First Year Fellows, fellow BU students, or friends from home. All fellows have access to a seed grant to help launch their ideas and can attend special workshops and networking events. 

Karbank Fellowship
Open to BU students who have taken at least on BU philosophy class, the Karbank Fellowship awards up to $6,000 to students in pursuit of philosophical reflections in any of a number of ways and venues. Any structured activity, study, or hands-on experience that would significantly enrich the student’s philosophical understanding of self and world is a candidate for support.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
UROP facilitates undergraduate participation in faculty-mentored research projects. Funding opportunities exist and the program is flexible, allowing research study in any academic area University-wide.