Lara Vincent Prize for Original Research

Lara Vincent during the Marine Semester at BU.
Lara Vincent during the Marine Semester at BU.
Lara Vincent during aviation training.
Lara Vincent during aviation training.
Lara Vincent skydiving.
Lara Vincent skydiving.

LT Lara Vincent, USMC, in front of her T-34 trainier.
LT Lara Vincent, USMC, in front of her T-34 trainier.

Tell Lara Vincent something couldn’t be done, and she’d figure out a way to do it. She was a skydiver, a competitive skier and motorcyclist, an ice climber, a deep-sea diver, a military pilot—and a star pupil in the Boston University Marine Program.

While studying at BU, Lara designed a research project investigating fish school formation. “Her professor said that would be great, but impossible given the amount of time and facilities she had available,” recalls her father, Lee Vincent. “She said, ‘We’ll see about that,’ and she did it. That’s what made her a legend—she took on what was impossible.”

After graduating a semester early, Lara took on the U.S. Marines, signing up to become a Cobra helicopter pilot. She was killed in a plane crash in June 1998, during her last training flight.

After her death, the BU Marine Program established the Lara Vincent Prize for Original Research, honoring the daredevil and creative thinker.

Lee and Sue are proud to keep their daughter’s memory alive by contributing to the undergraduate award every year—and have set up a bequest to continue their support.

Winners of the Lara Vincent Prize

2023: Natalia Karadimitriou (’23)
2022: Annabel Hughes (’22)
2021: Allie Cole (’21)
2020: Gretchen McCarthy (’20)
2019: Xuqing Chen (’19)
2018: Mary Liesegang (’18)
2017: Emma Chamberlain (’18)
2015: Gabrielle Hillyer (’15)
2014: Michael Kowalski (’14)
2013: Megan Feddern (’15)
2012: Victoria Pinheiro (’13)
2011: Erica Ross (’12) and Mary Kate Rogener (’13)
2010: Samantha Gifford (’11)
2009: Nicholas Keeney (’10) and Jenna Walker (’11)
2008: Hillary Braverman (’10) and Amanda Iveson (’09)
2007: Peter Stetson (’09) and Sara Edquist (’08)
2005: Jessica Fitzsimmons (’08) and Vera Pfieffer (’08)
2003: Debra Giglia (’06)
2002: Heather Marlow (’04)
2001: Michael Cermak (’02)
2000: Kara Yopak (’02)
1999: Grace Kwong (’00) and Jaimie Champagne (’99)
1998: Lydia Munger (’00)