Table of Contents

Class of 2022 Profile

Profile of the Class of 2022, Registered and Settled Through Fall 2018 Final (Official Mid-Semester)

Total Number of Entering Students, Fall 2018: 1,763

Male 40.9% (721)
Female 59.1% (1,042)

Top 10 Programs/Majors

Undeclared 306
Biology 201
Psychology 107
Computer Science 105
Economics 99
Neuroscience 87
International Relations 85
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 81
Biology-Cell/Molecular/Genetics 79
Political Science 63

Academic Accomplishment

The class entering in Fall 2018 was the most accomplished academically in the college’s history, improving on an already remarkable Fall 2017.

SAT ERW 686 650–730
SAT Math 727 680–780
SAT Composite (1600) 1413 1350–1480
ACT Composite 31 30–33
High School Rank in Class 90.7
High School GPA 3.72
Top 5% 43.8%
Top 10% 66.4%
Top 15% 82.2%
Top 20% 87.9%
Top 25% 93.4%
Top 30% 95.5%
Top 50% 99.8%

The Class of 2022 demonstrates a wide range of ethnic diversity; a quarter of the class identifies as international.

African American 132 7.5% 10.6%
Hispanic 191 10.8% 15.3%
Native American 9 0.5% 0.7%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 9 0.5% 0.7%
Asian 363 20.6% 29.0%
Caucasian 546 31.0% 43.7%
International 442 25.1%
Unspecified 71 4.0%
TOTAL 1,763 100.0% 100.0%


Most domestic students who entered in Fall 2018 are from the Northeast and the Mid-Atlantic area, with Massachusetts, New York, and California making up the top three. The largest contingent of international students is from the People’s Republic of China (including Hong Kong), with 182 freshmen.

# of states 46
% from out of state 86.0%
Massachusetts 247
New York 209
California 155
New Jersey 148
Florida 63
Pennsylvania 62
Texas 57
Connecticut 42
Illinois 39
Maryland 26
Other states, D.C. 239
Territories, APO 9
Foreign address 467
Territories represented: PR, GU, APO
State(s) not represented: MS, MT, ND, SD
New England 18.7%
Mid-Atlantic 25.4%
Midwest 5.3%
South 7.9%
Southwest 3.7%
West 1.4%
Pacific 10.9%
Other 26.7%

The majority of entering international students in Fall 2018 came from Asia, with the greatest number coming from China.

54 countries
China (incl. Hong Kong) 182
India 50
Republic of Korea 46
Canada 17
Indonesia 11
Vietnam 11
Taiwan, R.O.C. 10

First-Year Student Enrollment

The table below shows the intended majors of first-year students who matriculated at CAS for Fall 2018 and Fall 2017.

Intended Majors

Program/Major 2018 2017
Accelerated Dental 2 1
Accelerated Medical 31 20
American Studies 0 2
Ancient Grk & Latin 3 0
Anthro & Religion 0 1
Anthropology 7 10
Archaeology 10 7
Architecture 8 2
Asian Studies 6 6
Astronomy 2 3
Astronomy & Physics 17 14
Bio-Cell Molec Genetic 78 69
Biochem & Molecular 81 66
Biochemistry 1 1
Biology 201 215
Biology/Behavioral 11 10
Biology/Conservation 14 4
Biology/Neurobiology 39 31
Chemistry 39 39
Chemistry: Biochem 17 21
Chemistry: Teaching 1 0
Chinese Lang & Lit 2 1
Cinema & Media Studies 3 1
Classical Civilization 3 2
Classics & Philosophy 2 2
Classics & Religion 1 0
Comparative Lit. 1 1
Computer Science 105 108
Earth/Envir. Sciences 17 9
Economics 99 111
Economics & Math 39 38
English 19 31
Envir. Analys & Pol 16 8
European Studies 1 2
French & Linguistics 2 0
French Studies 1 0
Geophysics & Planetary 0 1
German Lang & Lit 2 1
Hispanic Lang & Lit 0 3
History Art & Architec 5 5
History 17 18
International Relations 85 70
Italian & Linguistics 1 0
Italian Studies 0 1
Japanese Lang & Lit 2 1
Japanese & Linguistics 1 0
Latin 1 1
Latin American Study 1 1
Ling/Spch, Lang/Hrng 2 4
Linguistics 9 7
Linguistics & Philo 1 1
Marine Science 13 16
Math & Comp Science 18 10
Math & Math Ed 2 4
Math & Philosophy 2 3
Mathematics 60 42
MidEast/North Africa Studies 1 1
Neuroscience 87 54
Philosophy 1 6
Philosophy & Physics 2 5
Philosophy & Poli Sci 12 6
Philosophy & Psych 6 4
Philosophy & Relgn 0 2
Philosophy/Neurosci 8 6
Physics 37 21
Political Science 63 58
Predentistry 0 0
Premedical 1 2
Psychology 107 101
Religion 2 1
Russian Lang & Lit 1 0
Sociology 26 15
Spanish & Linguistics 2 1
Undecided 306 270
Total 1,763 1,578

Enrollments and Bachelor’s Degrees Awarded by Major, AY 2018/19

The table below lists the number of enrolled students in each CAS major and the total number of degrees awarded in each major during academic year 2018/19.

Major Fall 2018 Enrolled Students Degrees Awarded (AY 2019)
Undeclared 629 0
Economics 730 236
Computer Science 678 169
Psychology 665 196
International Relations 602 204
Biology 508 82
Neuroscience 411 87
Political Science 363 108
Mathematics 307 79
Biochem & Molecular Bio 274 52
Bio Cell, Molec, Gentc 259 57
Economics and Math 168 29
English 164 48
Sociology 126 34
History 105 38
Chemistry 104 24
Physics 92 19
Bio, Neurobiology 91 21
Math-Computer Science 82 14
Medical Science 75 16
Anthropology 74 25
Earth & Envirnmntl Sci 73 14
Marine Science 71 24
Envir. Analysis & Pol 70 18
Astronomy & Physics 56 11
History of Art & Arch 51 22
Chemistry: Biochem 49 7
Philosophy 43 19
Bio, Ecology & Consv 41 7
Biow/spec Beh Bio 40 10
Architectural Studies 39 16
Archaeology 35 8
Linguistics 31 8
Phil & Political Sci 28 8
Phil & Psychology 15 2
Cinema & Media Studies 15 3
Asian Studies 15 3
Classical Civilization 13 5
Philosophy & Neuroscnc 13 2
Ind Concentration 11 4
Japanese Lang & Lit 9 4
Comparative Literature 9 4
Spanish 9 3
Lngstc Spch Lang Hrng 9 0
Math & Philosophy 8 2
MENA Studies 8 4
European Studies 7 3
Spanish & Linguistics 6 2
Anct Greek & Latin 6 3
Astronomy 5 2
Philosophy & Physics 5 0
French Studies 5 2
Religion 5 2
Russian Lang & Lit 4 1
Predental Science 4 0
Music 3 1
Classics & Philosophy 3 1
Math and Math Educ 3 0
Japanese & Linguistics 3 1
Geophysic/Planet Sci 2 2
Chinese Lang & Lit 2 0
Philosophy and Relig 2 2
French & Linguistics 2 0
Linguistics & Philosophy 2 0
American Studies 2 0
Anthrplgy & Religion 2 1
German Lang & Lit 2 0
Latin Amer Studies 2 2
Italian Studies 1 0
Classics & Religion 1 0
Latin 1 0
Italian Lang & Lit 1 0
Italian & Linguistics 1 0
Environmental Sci 0 1
Total 7,350 1,772

Postgraduation Destination Profile CAS Class of 2018

BU surveys its undergraduate degree recipients each year to learn about paths taken following graduation, including employment, graduate school, military service, and volunteer or service activities. View the PDF

Strengthening Graduate Education

GRS-Registered MA/MFA/MS Students (by Department):

The following table lists Fall 2018 admissions statistics for MA/MFA/MS programs.

Program/Major # Applications # Admits % Admitted # Enrolled
African Amer Stds 4 0 0% 0
Applied Anthropology 10 0 0% 0
Archaeology 26 8 31% 2
Astronomy 4 0 0% 0
Bioinformatics 109 61 56% 20
Biology 105 20 19% 4
Biostatistics 130 67 52% 4
Chemistry 24 1 4% 0
Classical Studies 3 0 0% 0
Comp Sci Cyber Secur 72 10 14% 2
Comp Sci Data Cmptng 181 26 14% 10
Computer Science 1,035 226 22% 61
Creative Writing 707 18 3% 18
Earth and Environment 1 0 0% 0
Economic Policy 107 88 82% 14
Economics 673 536 80% 116
Energy & Environment 42 38 90% 7
English 70 46 66% 8
French Lang & Lit 4 0 0% 0
GlobDevl Economics 75 52 69% 7
Global Policy 53 40 75% 2
Hispanic Lang & Lit 3 2 67% 0
History 45 14 31% 1
History of Art & Arch 55 26 47% 4
International Relations 32 19 59% 3
Intl Affairs 242 174 72% 28
Latin Amer Studies 7 7 100% 0
Linguistics 43 29 67% 8
Mathematics 22 9 41% 1
Mol & Cell Bio Bioch 39 11 28% 0
Philosophy 22 16 73% 1
Playwriting 55 5 9% 5
Preservation Studies 8 7 88% 3
Psychology 260 124 48% 27
Remote Sense Geo Sci 68 44 65% 15
Sociology 34 14 41% 1
Statistical Practice 509 193 38% 42
Statistics 289 114 39% 29
Total 5,168 2,045 443

2018/19 Master’s (including Bioinformatics): Enrollment and Graduates

Primary Major Total Enrollment Fall 2018 AY 2018/19 Graduates
American & N.E. Stds 0 3
Anthropology 0 1
Applied Anthropology 1 0
Applied Linguistics 7 6
Archaeology 3 2
Astronomy 0 4
Bioinformatics 33 26
Biology 12 11
Biostatistics 6 1
Biotechnology 1 7
Chemistry 0 16
Comp Sci Cyber Security 2 1
Comp Sci Data Cmptng 24 17
Computer Science 113 69
Creative Writing 24 18
Earth Sciences 0 1
Economic Policy 27 9
Economics 148 102
Energy & Environment 7 11
English 11 19
French Lang & Lit 0 1
Geography 1 1
Global Devl Economics 11 4
Global Devl Policy 4 1
Global Policy 15 11
Hispanic Lang & Lit 0 1
History 2 4
History of Art & Arch 9 5
Int Rel & Envirn Pol 1 1
Int Rltn & IntComm 4 4
International Relations 3 4
Intl Affairs 68 32
Latin Amer Studies 0 1
Linguistics 9 7
Mathematics 1 4
Mol & Cell Bio Bioch 3 3
Neuroscience 0 1
Philosophy 4 2
Physics 0 4
Playwriting 10 1
Political Economy 0 28
Political Science 0 8
Preservation Studies 4 0
Psychology 28 32
Religious Studies 0 1
Remote Sense Geo Sci 19 13
Sociology 1 1
Statistical Practice 71 40
Statistics 36 9
Total (MA/MS/MFA) 723 548

GRS-Registered PhD Students (by Department):

The following table lists Fall 2018 admissions statistics for PhD programs.

Program/Major # Applications # Admits % Admitted # Enrolled
American & N.E. Stds 48 12 25% 4
Anthropology 105 15 14% 10
Astronomy 105 26 25% 8
Bioinformatics 129 21 16% 9
Biology 185 35 19% 15
Biostatistics 189 20 11% 12
Chemistry 306 63 21% 20
Classical Studies 28 6 21% 3
Computer Science 394 59 15% 22
Earth and Environment 90 21 23% 9
Economics 906 85 9% 21
English 109 13 12% 5
French Lang & Lit 18 9 50% 2
Hispanic Lang & Lit 20 9 45% 5
History 67 11 16% 3
History of Art & Arch 69 17 25% 8
Linguistics 73 14 19% 6
Mathematics 166 24 14% 11
Mol & Cell Bio Bioch 136 15 11% 5
Philosophy 156 14 9% 7
Physics 377 93 25% 28
Political Science 103 16 16% 7
Psychology 675 28 4% 17
Religious Studies 40 12 30% 5
Sociology 124 17 14% 5
Statistics 175 28 16% 9
Total 4,793 683 256
Program/Major Total Enrolled Fall 2018 AY 2018/19 Graduates
American & N.E. Stds 44 6
Anthropology 48 9
Applied Linguistics 1 0
Archaeology 10 2
Astronomy 35 4
Bioinformatics 57 13
Biology 68 5
Biostatistics 48 10
Chemistry 118 11
Classical Studies 20 2
Computer Science 88 10
Earth and Environment 30 0
Earth Sciences 13 4
Economics 147 15
Editorial Studies 12 2
English 35 7
French Lang & Lit 9 2
Geography 8 2
Hispanic Lang & Lit 26 3
History 33 2
History of Art & Arch 46 5
Linguistics 9 0
Mathematics 47 7
Mol & Cell Bio Bioch 32 4
Musicology 16 1
Neuroscience 1 1
Philosophy 42 4
Physics 81 12
Political Science 34 9
Psychology 72 12
Religious Studies 42 10
Soc. & Soc Work 5 3
Sociology 33 4
Statistics 25 3
Cogntve & Neurl Syst 0 2
Total 1,335 186

Enhancing a World-Class Faculty

Promoted, Tenured, and Retired & Emeritus Faculty, AY 2018/19

Promoted to Full Professor:

In AY 2018/19, three CAS faculty were promoted to the rank of professor: Japonica Brown-Saracino, Sociology; Wiebke Denecke, World Languages & Literatures; Adela Pineda Franco, Romance Studies.

Promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure:

In AY 2018/19, 14 CAS assistant professors were promoted to the rank of associate professor with tenure: Aaron Beeler, Chemistry; Peter Blake, Psychological & Brain Sciences; Yuri Corrigan, World Languages & Literatures; Daniel Erker, Linguistics; Jonathan Foltz, English; John Marston, Anthropology; Alexis Peri, History; Deborah Perlstein, Chemistry; Anthony Petro, Religion; Simon Rabinovitch, History; Kaija Schilde, International Relations (Pardee); Trevor Siggers, Biology; Amanda Tarullo, Psychological & Brain Sciences; Michael Woldemariam, International Relations (Pardee).

Retired and Emeritus Faculty:

This past year, 21 CAS faculty members retired from active service as professors. These newly retired faculty include: Daniel Bullock, Psychological & Brain Sciences; Andrew Cohen, Physics; Gail Carpenter, Mathematics & Statistics; Hsia-Chih Chang, World Languages & Literatures; David Marchant, Earth & Environment; Richard Murray, Earth & Environment; T. Jefferson Kline, Romance Studies; Nancy Ammerman, Sociology; Diane Balser, Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies; Aaron Fogel, English; Dennis Costa, Romance Studies; William Marx, Writing Program; and Barbara Gottfried, Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies.

After a vote of the faculty, eight retiring faculty members were granted the title of emeritus or emerita, a mark of respect for colleagues who exemplify the highest values of the academic profession. They are as follows: Sheldon Glashow, Physics; William Keylor, International Relations; Robert Devaney, Mathematics & Statistics; Bonnie Costello, English; Rama Bansil, Physics; J. Scott Whitaker, Physics; Geoffrey Cooper, Biology; and Robert Levine, English.

New CAS Faculty, AY 2019/20

Each year, the College of Arts & Sciences recruits leading scholars and researchers from around the world to grow the ranks of its faculty. The faculty members listed below arrived new on campus for the 2019/20 academic year, unless stated otherwise.



Computer Science

Core Curriculum



Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies


History of Art & Architecture


Mathematics & Statistics


Political Science

Romance Studies


Undergraduate Program in Neuroscience

World Languages & Literatures

Writing Program

Campaign for CAS

Thanks to the generosity of our alumni, parents, and friends, the Campaign for Arts & Sciences far exceeded our goals. The following were the fundraising totals for FY2019, as well as goals for FY2020.

Status Report

FY19 Goal vs. FY19 Total
FY19 Cash Goal $10,431,205
FY19 Cash Total $22,097,552 **
FY19 Pledge Goal $3,339,090
FY19 Pledge Total $7,337,059
Campaign Goal vs. Campaign Total
Campaign Goal $100,000,000
Campaign Total $180,631,961
Goals for FY2020
Cash Goal $12,000,000
Pledge Goal $10,000,000
Annual Fund Goal $2,163,570

**For consistency in campaign reporting, included in the full FY19 numbers are also gifts to Pardee School.

Stewarding Our Resources

CAS/GRS Budget

In order to achieve all of our many goals, we must remain careful stewards of our resources. The college achieved a balanced, unrestricted expense budget of $163,291,120 at the close of the 2018/19 fiscal year, compared with $154,969,502 the previous year.

This budget covered faculty salaries ($91,333,588), staff salaries ($16,430,401), student salaries ($14,543,521 for fellowships, internships, etc.), operating expenses ($11,865,531), and fringe benefits ($29,118,079).