This page will be updated as information about the 2024 PhD Hooding Ceremony is made available.

2024 PhD Hooding Ceremony & Reception

The Dean and the Faculty of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences invite you and your guests to attend the Hooding Ceremony for all August 2023, January 2024, and May 2024 Doctor of Philosophy degree recipients and candidates that have successfully defended and submitted their theses.

The purpose of this Hooding Ceremony is to bring together graduates, their families and friends (no more than 6 guests per graduate) with their advisors, the Deans, and other Faculty of the Graduate School to celebrate their fine achievement in earning the highest degree offered by Boston University. Congratulations!

August 2023, January 2024, and May 2024 graduates are invited to attend the PhD Hooding Ceremony in the George Sherman Union, Metcalf Ballroom, on May 16th, 2024 at 5:30pm.

It is not required, but many graduates who attend the ceremony want to help us with their name pronunciation. If that describes you, please Record Your Name and upload the file in the PhD Hooding Response Form below. Thank you.

More information on Boston University’s Commencement weekend can be found here.