Graduate Information

Leave of Absence and Withdrawals

To receive a 100% tuition refund or credit to your account for Fall 2023, a Withdrawal/Leave of Absence form must be filed in the GRS Office on or before September 4, 2023. Before submitting this form, students should familiarize themselves with the GRS Policies on Leaves of Absence and Withdrawals as stated in the GRS Bulletin.

For more information, and to understand the refund dates and policies for the 2023-2024 academic year, please see the Withdrawal and Tuition Refund Schedule

Childbirth and Adoption Accommodation for Full-Time PhD & MFA Students

The childbirth and adoption accommodation policy for full-time or certified full-time PhD students in good academic standing provides for extensions for academic coursework and other requirements to the primary caregiver of an infant or adopted child. It also provides for a continuation of stipend support for funded students during the accommodation period.

A GRS full-time or certified full-time PhD student taking an accommodation due to the birth of a child should notify the relevant department Chair or Program Director in writing no later than 30 days prior to the start of the semester during which the birth is expected using the Childbirth Notification form. Any student electing to take the accommodation must use this form to notify the relevant department chair or program director, and school or college. The department chair or program director will acknowledge receipt by signing and dating the form, returning the original to the student, sending a copy to the relevant school or college dean’s office, and retaining a copy for department or program files.

In the case of adoption, notification should be made once the student becomes reasonably certain of the expected dates of adoption.  Please submit the completed and signed Childbirth Notification form to or to the GRS Office at 705 Commonwealth Ave, Suite 112.

Please find official University policy here.