Welcome to the College of Arts & Sciences
First-Year Advising Experience!

As a first-year student in the College of Arts & Sciences, you will have a first-year academic advisor (FY academic advisor). This will be a professional advisor from your major’s academic department or through CAS Academic Advising. FY academic advisors help students learn to make the most of their college years. This advising experience encompasses navigating your degree requirements, your transition to college, forming a meaningful community on campus, and growing intellectually.

For incoming first-year students, you will be contacted via email by your FY academic advisor. You will have one or two advisors, depending on your major(s). 

Your first-year academic advisor can help you with:

  • Navigate your transition to college
  • Identify your interests and goals
  • Craft long term plans for the Hub and other degree requirements outside your major
  • Change or add a major/minor
  • Find events and resources for first-year students
  • Get involved on campus
  • Connect with other BU offices and support systems 

All questions, support, and guidance pertaining to your major, is overseen by your major advisor. They can help with planning your major requirements, integrating the Hub into your major, course registration, and getting involved within your department/the field.