Titles of Doctoral Dissertations Completed in 2014 (Alphabetical by Author)
American & New England Studies
- Michael F. D’Alessandro, “Staged Readings: Sensationalism and Class in Popular American Literature and Theatre, 1835-1875”
- Virginia J. Myhaver, “The ‘New American Revolution’: Cultural Politics, New Federalism, and the 1976 Bicentennial”
- Brian Michael Sirman, “Concrete Dreams: Architecture, Politics, and Boston’s New City Hall”
- Zachary Joseph Violette, “The Decorated Tenement: Working-Class Housing in Boston and New York, 1860-1910”
- Caitlin Jane Chaves Yates, “Beyond the Mound: Locating Complexity in Northern Mesopotamia During the ‘Second Urban Revolution”
- Abigail Elizabeth Crawford, “The Organization of Rural Production in Roman Central Tyrrhenian Italy, 200 BC to AD 400”
- Diana Smith Gallagher, “'Cleanly in Their Persons and Cleanly in Their Dwellings’: An Archaeological Investigation of Health, Hygiene, and Sanitation in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century New England”
- Adam Richard Kaeding, “Negotiated Survival: An Archaeological and Documentary Investigation of Colonialism in Beneficios Altos, Yucatan, Mexico”
- Alexandra Louise Ratzlaff, “The Maintenance of Empire: The Roman Army in the Negev from the 1st–7th Centuries CE”
- Stephanie Renee Simms, “Prehispanic Maya Foodways: Archaeological and Microbotanical Evidence from Escalera al Cielo, Yucatán, Mexico”
- Eliza Napier Wallace, “From Town to City: Urban Planning in the Early Bronze Age of Northern Mesopotamia at Tell es-Sweyhat, Syria”
- Nicholas Pascal Starbuck Wolff, “At Home in Prehistory: Critical Approaches to the Built Environment in the South Italian Bronze Age”
- Majd Mayyasi Matta, “Modeling the Martian Ionosphere”
- Carl Andrew Schmidt, “Mercury’s Sodium Exosphere”
- Sara Baldwin Collins, “The Interdependence Between Environment and Metabolism in Microbes and Their Ecosystems”
- Jonathan Michael Dreyfuss, “Algorithms for Reconstruction and Analysis of Metabolic Networks, with an Application to Neurospora Crassa”
- Lina L. Faller, “Comparative Metagenomics to Identify Functional Signatures in the Human Microbiome”
- John Joseph Farrell, “The Prediction of HLA Genotypes from Next Generation Sequencing and Genome Scan Data”
- Joseph Peter Gerrein, “Using Gene and microRNA Expression in the Human Airway for Lung Cancer Diagnosis”
- Yevgeniy Gindin, “Modeling and Integrative Analysis with Applications to DNA Replication, Cancer, and Epigenetics”
- Irina Vyacheslavova Glotova, “Reconstruction of Lipid Metabolism Regulatory Network in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis”
- Antonio Luiz Cruz Gomes, “Computational Approaches to Deciphering Regulatory Circuits in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis from Chip-Seq Data, and Developing Theoretical Strategies to Combat Drug-Resistant Infections”
- Syeda Kahkeshan Hijazi, “The Airway Transcriptome as a Measure of Injury and Response to and Recovery from Smoking and Alternative Tobacco Products”
- Chia-Ling Huang, “A Module Based Approach for Identifying Driver Genes and Expanding Pathways from Integrated Biological Networks”
- Augustin Luna, “Formalization of Molecular Interaction Maps in Systems Biology; Application to Simulations of the Relationship Between DNA Damage Response and Circadian Rhythms”
- Christopher Domenic Nogiec, “Modeling Human Muscle Metabolism: Using Constraint-Based Modeling to Investigate Nutrition Supplements, Insulin Resistance, and Type 2 Diabetes”
- Chetanya Pandya, “Sequence- and Structure-Based Approaches to Deciphering Enzyme Evolution in the Haloalkonoate Dehalogenase Superfamily”
- Richard Won Park, “Visualization and Analysis of Cancer Genome Sequencing Studies”
- Guilhem Richard, “Affecting the Macrophage Response to Infection by Integrating Signaling and Gene-Regulatory Networks”
- Stephanie Gail Schneider, “Reannotation and Consolidation of Microarray Probes for the Meta-Analysis of Gene Expression Across Multiple Cell Types”
- Matthew Charles Schu, “New Methods for Studying Complex Diseases via Genetic Association Studies”
- Jisi Tang, “Study of Macromolecular Interactions Using Computational Solvent Mapping”
- Wen-Han Yu, “Quantitative Studies of Mycobacterial Single Cell Dynamics Using a Synthetic Gene Oscillator”
- Elizabeth Claire Braun de Torrez, “Bats, Insects and Pecans: Habitat Use and Ecosystem Services of Insectivorous Bats in a Pecan Agroecosystem in Central Texas”
- Nicholas Geoffrey Crawford, “Genomic Analysis of Macro- and Micro-Evolution in the Reptilia”
- Eva Maria Fast, “Dynamic Effects of Wolbachia on Drosophila Oogenesis and Coordination of Infection with Stem Cell Niche Morphogenesis”
- Kathryn Kovitvongsa Mosharo, “The Role of Acoustic Signals in Fish Courtship and Challenges in Bioacoustic Fish Research”
- Andrew Brett Reinmann, “Effects of Winter Climate Change on Carbon and Nitrogen Losses from Temperate Forest Ecosystems”
- Caleb Andrew Bliss, “Sample Size Re-Estimation for Superiority Clinical Trials with a Dichotomous Outcome Using an Unblinded Estimate of the Control Group Outcome Rate”
- Yansong Cheng, “Some Recent Advances in Multivariate Statistics: Modality Inference and Statistical Monitoring of Clinical Trials with Multiple Co-Primary Endpoints”
- Jamie Elizabeth Collins, “Informative Censoring with an Imprecise Anchor Event: Estimation of Change Over Time and Implications for Longitudinal Data Analysis”
- Sarah Michelle Leatherman, “Adaptive Methods for Bayesian Time-to-Event Point-of-Care Clinical Trials”
- Chen Lu, “New Approaches to Identify Gene-by-Gene Interactions in Genome Wide Association Studies”
- Jacqueline Nicole Milton, “Identifying Genetic Variants Associated with Multiple Correlated Traits and the Use of an Ensemble of Genetic Risk Models for Phenotype Prediction and Classification”
- Julius Suh Ngwa, “Comparing Methods for Modeling Longitudinal and Survival Data, with Consideration of Mediation Analysis”
- Lin Ye Song, “Re-Calibration and Discrimination in Survival Risk Prediction Functions”
- Sarah Elizabeth Sullivan, “Mint-Dependent Regulation of Amyloid Precursor Protein Trafficking and Processing in Neurons”
- Jing Wang, “Biomarker Informed Adaptive Clinical Trial Designs”
- Charles C. White, “Evaluating and Extending a Bayesian Approach to Using Historical Control Data in an Actively Controlled Non-Inferiority Clinical Trial”
- Siyan Xu, “Statistical Considerations of Noninferiority, Bioequivalence and Equivalence Testing in Biosimilars Studies”
- Lei Zhu, “Procedures for Identifying and Modeling Time-to-Event Data in the Presence of Non-Proportionality”
- Robert Navid Azad, “Hydroxyl Radical Cleavage of Nucleic Acids: Understanding RNA Cleavage Profiles and Identifying DNA Structural Motifs”
- Sarah Elizabeth Bernard, “Development of a Method for Mapping Oxidative Damage to an Entire Genome In Vivo with a Single Experiment”
- Shaun Michael Cote, “Characterization of the Structure and Function of NF-Kappa B Essential Modulator and Its Interaction with Inhibitor of Kappa B Kinase Beta and Development of a Screening Protocol to Discover and Validate Inhibitors of the Interaction”
- Chunhui Dai, “The Total Synthesis of Syringolin A and Oxidative Photoredox Catalysis for C-H and C-O Bond Functionalizations”
- Lauren Christine Gregor, “Mechanistic Studies of Functional Mononuclear and Binuclear Non-heme Iron Enzyme Model Complexes Using Variable Temperature Stopped-flow UV/vis Spectroscopy”
- Jihoon Lee, “Application of the Silicon-Directed Annulation Reactions to the Total Synthesis of Natural Products & Studies Directed Toward the Total Synthesis of Leiodolide A: Preparation of the C13-C29 Fragment”
- Benjamin Diamon Levin, “Probing the Structure-Function Relationship of Heme C Containing Bacterial Proteins: Monoheme Cytochromes C and Dihemeb. Cytochrome_C Peroxidase”
- Xinrong Lin, “Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications of Ionic Supramolecular Assemblies”
- Andrew John Little, “Studies Toward the Synthesis of Anthraquinone-Xanthone Heterodimeric Natural Products”
- Zhiyuan Ma, “New Approaches to the Heterocyclic Scaffolds Using Diels-Alder Chemistry”
- Anna Victoria Martinez, “Using Reverse Micelles to Explore the Effects of Confinement and Hydration on Peptide Folding and Aggregation”
- Joshua S. McNally, “Synthetic and Density Functional Theory Studies of Dioxygen Activating Non-Heme Iron Model Complexes”
- Daniele Ramella, “Organocatalytic Acid Mediated Mannich Reactions and Multicomponent Boronate Reactions to Make Chiral Benzhydrils”
- Sarah Rose Soltau, “Studies Toward the Mechanism of Allosteric Activation in Phenylalanine Hydroxylase”
- Yuan Xiong, “Total Syntheses of Sanggenon-Type Natural Products and Rearrangements of 3-Substituted Flavone Ethers”
- Xiaobin Xu, “Mass Spectrometry Approaches for Profiling Protein-Protein Interactions”
Cognitive & Neural Systems
- Benjamin Orth Chandler, “Cognitive Computing: Algorithm Design in the Intersection of Cognitive Science and Emerging Computer Architectures”
- Hung-Cheng Chang, “Where’s Waldo?® How Perceptual, Cognitive, and Emotional Brain Processes Cooperate During Learning to Categorize and Find Desired Objects in a Cluttered Scene”
- Lingqiang Kong, “Functional MRI Investigations of Cortical Mechanisms in Auditory Spatial Attention”
- Robert George Law, “States and Sequences of Paired Contractive Subspace Ideals and Their Relationship to Patterned Brain Function”
- Oliver Winston Layton, “Neural Models of Inter-Cortical Networks in the Primate Visual System for Navigation, Attention, Path Perception, and Static and Kinetic Figure-Ground Perception”
- Yoon Seob Lim, “Seeing Sound: A New Way to Illustrate Auditory Objects and Their Neural Correlates”
- Jeffrey Markowitz, “Network Dynamics in the Neural Control of Birdsong”
Computer Science
- Flavio Esposito, “A Policy-Based Architecture for Virtual Network Embedding”
- Likai Liu, “Simple, Safe, and Efficient Memory Management Using Linear Pointers”
- Michel Silva Machado, “Linux XIA: An Interoperable Meta Network Architecture”
- Niky Riga, “JTP, an Energy-Aware Transport Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”
- Richard William Skowyra, “Verificare: A Platform for Composable Verification with Application to SDN-Enabled Systems”
Earth Sciences
- Rita Ann Cabral, “A Window into the Mantle: Analyzing the Geochemistry of Melt Inclusions from the Volcanic Island of Mangaia”
- Gordana Garapic Siftar, “Constraints on Melt Migration in the Earth’s Upper Mantle”
- Elise Michelle Heiss, “Evaluating Sediment Denitrification and Water Column Nitrification Along an Estuary to Offshore Gradient”
- Anthony Michael Priestas, “The Role of Wind Waves on Salt Marsh Morphodynamics”
- Miguel Ampudia Fraile, “Three Essays on Household Finance”
- Olesya Nicole Baker, “Essays on Economics of Education”
- Jacopo Bizzotto, “Quality, Information and Certification”
- Marric Grace Buessing, “The Role of Location and Contracts in Firm Governance and Labor: An Examination of the US Coal Industry”
- Seong Yeon Chang, “Fractionally Integrated Processes and Structural Changes: Theoretical Analyses and Bootstrap Methods”
- Tianxu Chen, “Health Insurance Coverage and Personal Behavior”
- Saori Chiba, “Three Essays on Communication Games and Behavioral Economics”
- Rania Gihleb, “Three Essays on Female Labor Supply and Assortative Mating”
- Jie Hou, “Robust Parameter Estimation and Pivotal Inference Under Heterogeneous and Nonstationary Processes”
- Sudipto Karmakar, “Essays on Bank Capital, Macroeconomic Activity and Financial Deepening”
- Sarah Anne Kroeger, “Essays on the Economics of Inequality”
- Giulia La Mattina, “Essays in Development Economics and Entrepreneurship”
- Timothy James Layton, “Risk Selection and Risk Adjustment in Competitive Health Insurance Markets”
- Yang Li, “Empirical Analysis of the Airline Industry on the U.S.-China Route”
- Phuong Viet Ngo, “Essays on Monetary Economics”
- Arup Sen, “Incentives in the Labor Market: Theory and Evidence from the NBA”
- Jingwei Sun, “Three Essays on Modern Economic Development in China”
- Chun-Kai Wang, “Essays on the Impact of Openness for the Macro-Economy”
- Russell Michael Weinstein, “Firm Recruiting Strategies, Educational Attainment, and the Labor Market Return to Higher Education”
Editorial Studies
- Nora Delaney, “A Study of the Endnotes to David Jones’s In Parenthesis”
- Emily Griffiths Jones, “Romance, Narrative Vision, and Elect Community in Seventeenth-Century England”
- Holly Connell Schaaf, “Sights of Conflict: Collective Responsibility and Individual Freedom in Irish and English Fiction of the Second World War”
- Arielle Zibrak, “Aesthetic Counter-Traditions: Anti-Identity and Nineteenth-Century Anglo-American Literature”
French Language & Literatures
- Adeline Jo Soldin, “Proustian Performance Role-Playing, Repetition, and Ritual in a la Recherche du Temps Perdu”
- Peter Albert O’Connor, “Aspects of Energy Transitions: History and Determinants”
- Preeti Rao, “Carbon, Nitrogen, and Vegetation Along an Urbanization Gradient: A Boston Case Study Integrating Field, Remotely Sensed and Socioeconomic Data”
- Karina Véliz Rojas, “The Impact of Climate Change on the U.S. Power Sector: Price and Quantity Effects”
Hispanic Language & Literatures
- Rommy Violeta Balabarca Fataccioli, “La Representacion de los Migrantes Internos en la Narrativa y el Cine Peruanos (1980–2009): Montacerdos, de Cronwell Jara; Adios, Ayacucho, de Julio Ortega, y La Teta Asustada, de Claudia Llosa”
- Carolina Castillo Larrea, “Processo de Cartas de Amores y Quexa y Aviso Contra Amor de Juan De Segura. Edicion Critica y Estudio”
- Arlene Ovalle-Child, “Objetos de Deseo en los Cuentos de Silvina Ocampo”
- Andrew James Ballou, “From Pacifism to Nonviolent Direct Action: The Fellowship of Reconciliation and Social Christianity, 1914–1947”
- Michael Holm, “America in the World: Ideology and U.S. Foreign Policy, 1944–1950”
- Jonathan George Koefoed, “Cautious Romantics: Trinitarian Transcendentalists and the Emergence of a Conservative Religious Tradition in America”
History of Art & Architecture
- Katherine Caldwell Harper, “Hendrick Goudt: New Light on an Artist and Nobleman”
- Kenneth John Hartvigsen, “ Patriotism, Race, and Gender Bending through American Song: Cover Illustrations of Popular Music from the Civil War to World War I”
- Meghen Jones, “Tomimoto Kenkichi and the Discourse of Modern Japanese Ceramics”
- Benjamin Russell Witte Zweig, “Depicting the Unforgivable Sin: Images of Suicide in Medieval Art”
- G. Nicholas Benes, “Stability of Multi-Solitons in the Toda Model and Torus Canards in Neuroscience Models”
- Daniel Cuzzocreo, “Dynamical Invariants and Parameter Space Structures for Rational Maps”
- Elizabeth Laura Fitzgibbon, “Rational Maps: The Structure of Julia Sets from Accessible Mandelbrot Sets”
- Laura Rocío González Ramírez, “Existence and Stability of Traveling Waves in a Biologically Constrained Model of Seizure Wave Propagation”
- Chong Liu, “Functional Principal Component and Factor Analysis of Spatially Correlated Data”
- Nikolay Ivanov Nikolaev, “Some Methods for Robust Inference in Econometric Factor Models and in Machine Learning”
- Weston D. Viles, “Network Data Analysis”
- Brandon Ward, “Observables in the BC System”
- Joshua Zelinsky, “Variations on the Art in Primitive Root Conjecture”
Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry
- Daniel Walter Bak, “A Study of the CDGSH Protein Family: Biophysical and Bioinformatic Analysis of the [2FE-2S] Cluster Protein MitoNEET”
- Brant Clark Hubbard, “Biochemical and Mechanical Cues Tune Fibronectin Conformation and Function”
- Gabriel Daniel Sholder, “Y-Family DNA Polymerase Architecture: Three Structural Features Control Accurate Deoxy CTP Insertion Opposite N2-Deoxy-Guanine-Benzo-A-Pyrene”
- Paul Terence Toran, “A Method for Detection of Endogenous RNA in Live Bacterial Cells”
- Alexandre Abdoulaev, “Savoy: Reassessing the Role of the ‘World's Finest Ballroom’ in Music and Culture, 1926-1958”
- Andrés Espinoza, “Una Sola Casa: Salsa Consciente and the Poetics of the Meta-Barrio”
- Ulrike Christa Präger, “Longing to Belong: Musical Practices in the Expulsion of the Germans from the Bohemian Lands”
- Samuel Arnold Mckenzie, “Electrophysiological Evidence for Memory Schemas in the Rat Hippocampus”
- Randall Edward Newmark, “High Resolution fMRI of Hippocampal Subfields and Medial Temporal Cortex during Working Memory”
- Karolina Aldona Lewestam, “The Hare and the Tortoise: The Problems with the Notion of Action in Ethics”
- Irina Gregoryevna Mikhalevich, “Experiment and Bias: The Case of Parsimony in Comparative Cognition”
- Cory Christopher James Fantasia, “Search for Exotic Particles Decaying into WZ Boson Pairs at the CMS Experiment”
- Alan Gabel, “Emergent Phenomena and Fluctuations in Cooperative Systems”
- Alexander Luke Kitt, “Manipulating Graphene's Lattice to Create Pseudovector Potentials, Discover Anomalous Friction, and Measure Strain Dependent Thermal Conductivity”
- Philip Daniel Lawson, “Measurement of the W Charge Asymmetry in Production with Jets Using 5 Inverse-Femtobarns of Data Measured at √s=7TeV with CMS”
- Qian Li, “Social Models on Complex Networks and Econophysics”
- Wei Li, “Statistical Physics Approaches to Complex Systems”
- Kang Liu, “Critical Phenomena and Phase Transition in Long-Range Systems”
- Jason William Olejarz, “Domain Coarsening and Interface Kinetics in the Ising Model”
- Dongdong Peng, “Studies of Polymer Thin Films Using Atomic Force Microscopy”
- Sebastian Christoph Remi, “Measurement and Control of Electron-Phonon Interactions in Graphene”
- Elsa Caroline Souto Gonçalves de Abreu, “Electronic and Structural Dynamics of Vanadates and Nickelates: Effect of Temperature, Strain and Photoexcitation”
- Wei Sun, “Adaptive Optics in Nonlinear Microscopy Implemented with Open-Loop Control and EMCCD-Based Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor”
- Ying Tang, “Quantum Monte Carlo Studies of Quantum Criticality in Low-Dimensional Spin Systems”
- Jingdi Zhang, “Ultrafast Photonic Control of Colossal Magnetoresistive Materials”
- Di Zhou, “Interdependent Networks - Topological Percolation Research and Application in Finance”
Political Science
- Sijin Cheng, “Fighting for Reputation: China’s Deterrence Policy and Concerns About Credibility”
- Andreea Raluca Maierean, “A Comparative Study of Lustration in Central and Eastern Europe”
- Grant Alexander Marlier, “Expanding the Circle of Protection: The Evolution of Use of Force Norms Within the UN Security Council”
- Moeed Wasim Yusuf, “Brokered Bargaining: Nuclear Crises Between Middle Powers”
- Anu Asnaani, “The Effects of Approach-Avoidance Modification on Social Anxiety Disorder”
- Amanda Waters Calkins, “Effects of a Neurobehavioral Intervention for Depressive and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms”
- Caitlin Ford Canfield, “The Mediating Role of Social Cue Use in the Relation Between Infant Characteristics and Early Vocabulary”
- Justin Centi, “Autonomic Dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease: An Evaluation of Acute and Chronic Effects on Cognition and Daily Life”
- Sonia Chawla, “Does the Pattern of Fetal Movement Predict Infant Development?”
- Claudia Cherici, “Visual Functions of Fixational Eye Movements”
- Candice Chow, “Psychosocial Distress and Anxiety in Food Allergic Youth: Identification and Risk Factors”
- Benjamin David Dickstein, “Predictors of Post-Deployment Mental Healthcare Utilization Among Active Duty Marines”
- Kaitlin Patricia Gallo, “Direct-to-Consumer Marketing of Psychological Treatments: A Randomized Controlled Trial”
- Bridget Ashley Hearon, “Establishing a Link Between Anxiety Sensitivity, Exercise Intolerance, and Overeating”
- Amy Elizabeth Lawrence, “Decision-Making Impairment in Emotional Disorders”
- Ruth Ellen McKenzie, “Testosterone in Aging Male Twins: Relationship with Physical Functioning, Quality of Life, and Depression”
- Ivy Nicole Miller, “Cognition in Parkinson’s Disease: An Examination of Clinically Meaningful Subgroups”
- Yakeel Tatiana Quiroz-Gaviria, “Brain Changes in Presymptomatic Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease”
- Timothy Edward Ralston, “The Influence of Depressed Mood on Alcohol-Related Self-Control Processes: The Moderational Role of Drinking Motives”
- Alice Tyer Sawyer, “Attention Retraining in Social Anxiety Disorder: An fMRI Study”
- Anne Marie Seery, “Electrophysiological Indices of Language Processing in Infants at Risk for ASD”
- Tyler Allen Zink, “The Effects of Genes and Trauma Exposure on Verbal Memory Among Male Twin Vietnam Era Veterans”
Religious Studies
- Ingrid Lisabeth Anderson, “Making Ethics ‘First Philosophy’: Ethics and Suffering in the Work of Emmanuel Levinas, Elie Wiesel, and Richard Rubenstein”
- Michelle L. Bellamy, “The Elijah-Elisha Cycle of Stories: A Ring Composition”
- Kathleen Holbrook, “Radical Food: Nation of Islam and Latter-Day Saint Culinary Ideals (1930-1980)”
- Onaje X. Offley Woodbine, “Black Gods of the Asphalt: Street Basketball, Power, and Embodied Spirit”
- Misha Andrew Tadd, “Alternatives to Monism and Dualism: Seeking Yang Substance with Yin Mode in Heshanggon’s Commentary on the Daodejing”
- Mia Desiree Diaz-Edelman, “Working Together: Multicultural Collaboration in the Interfaith Immigrant Rights Movement”
- Courtney Lynne Feldscher, “Home Sweet Home? The Multiple Logics of Homeownership and the Politics of Conflict in a Hybrid Organization”
- Kiri Marie Gurd, “Rationalizing Values: Global Diffusion, Global Professionals, and Truth Commissions”
Sociology & Social Work
- Bronwyn Rebekah Keefe, “Can a Service Philosophy be Identified in Aging and Disability Resource Centers? A Study of Institutional Logics as Applied to the Creation of New Hybrid Organizations”
- Su-Chiu Liu, “An Analysis of Welfare and Health Policy Changes on the Health Seeking Behavior of Taiwanese Immigrants Residing in the United States”
- Michelle Novelle, “I'm Still Here’: Adolescent Social Orphans in Colombian State Care: The Process of Identity Formation in the Absence of Permanency”