Daryl Healea, Assistant Dean
725 Commonwealth Ave, Room 108Adhealea@bu.edu(617) 353-7004
What are the main functions of Curriculum & Enrollment Services?
Curriculum and Enrollment Services is housed in Undergraduate Education. Responsibilities include the following:
- Class scheduling (working with both departments and the Registrar)
- Enrollment planning & management
- Data collection and analysis
- Media/Space Management liaison/advocate for CAS
- Assist with orientation and academic year registration
- Student course evaluations
- Supervision of elections for faculty membership
Why contact this office?
Contact Curriculum and Enrollment Services if you/your department:
- Are concerned about enrollments being larger or smaller than planned
- Need to add, cancel, or adjust classes
- Have a question about media/classrooms, classroom availability, or an instructor’s needs
- Have a data need/request
- Have a question about functions in UIS or on the Link
- Need training on/access to the Academic Planning Database
- Would like training on particular technology in a classroom
- Have questions about faculty elections
- Orientation of new staff working with scheduling/enrollment