Mentoring is a process through which faculty systematically share the knowledge they have gained through their professional and career experience with colleagues who can benefit from that knowledge in developing their own careers and professional lives.  It provides faculty with an identified set of individuals from whom they can seek career advice and information by engaging in discussions about professional choices and actions in a safe setting.  Formal mentoring programs have become common in many professions, including in academia, because they ensure that everyone has access to this valuable resource, not just people who happen to develop a special relationship with a senior colleague, or who are relatively brave about reaching out and asking “dumb questions.”  Formal mentoring programs also give faculty who are developing their careers access to information and advice they might not have known they needed to seek. Mentoring is a key component of the professional development of faculty at all stages of their career.

It is one of the keys to ensuring that new faculty become well integrated into Boston University and follow successful career paths. Mentoring also supports the further development of our associate professors as they work towards promotion. The College of Arts & Sciences offers two formal mentoring programs. One, aimed at assistant professors, is designed to help them become well integrated into Boston University and develop and follow successful career paths. All assistant professors are required to participate. The other is a voluntary program, aimed at associate professors and designed to help them continue their professional development, assume their roles as senior faculty, and move in a timely way toward promotion to the rank of Professor. This document outlines the mentoring policies and standards of the College of Arts & Sciences and provides the framework and expectations within which individual departmental programs will operate.