Everyone associated with the tenure and promotion process, including candidates for tenure and promotion, is responsible for being up to date on appropriate standards, processes, and procedures. The Boston University Faculty Handbook contains the authoritative outline of the basic university-wide criteria, processes, and timetable for tenure and promotion, in the Tenure and Promotion on the Charles River Campus section. The CAS Faculty & Staff Handbook details College-level criteria in the Faculty Personnel Matters: Tenure-track and Tenured Faculty Expectations section. Departments are also expected to establish clear faculty expectations documents of their own, which help make clear for junior faculty the criteria for tenure and promotion. These Tenure & Promotion Guidelines are updated annually and provide a guide to the process from the CAS point of view. Tenure-track faculty should seek advice from their senior colleagues and mentors throughout their pre-tenure years, and tenured Associate Professors should seek advice from the time they are appointed as Associate Professors. All faculty are welcome to seek career development advice from the Office of the Dean.

Forms needed for the tenure and/or promotion application process are available on the Provost’s website in the Forms library or on the CAS Forms & Instructions page. For questions about completing application forms, please contact the CAS Tenure and Promotion Coordinator.

The Office of the Dean holds three annual meetings for those involved to learn about the process: one for tenure and promotion candidates, one for candidates for promotion to Professor, and one for department chairs and administrators.