| in Community

During Boston University’s 10th annual Giving Day, the College of Arts & Sciences raised nearly $285,000, thanks to more than 1,000 donors. Funds raised during Giving Day go to individual departments and interdisciplinary programs, directly supporting students and faculty.

Evan S. Hirsch, Esq. (CAS’03) – Experiential Learning Sponsor

“I give back because BU helped shape me into the person I am today. My experience at BU allowed me to interact with people from all over the country and all over the world.  These interactions created a familiarity and comfort level which I have benefitted from in my career as a business and real estate lawyer working with many people from different places and backgrounds. Going to school at BU and living in metropolitan Boston gave me an opportunity to dive into the worlds of politics and commerce on my own and encouraged me to continue my education by attending law school. I give back to help other students similarly forge their own identity and hopefully enter the adult/working world as a productive member of society with diverse and interesting experiences.”

Jane Eva Baxter (CAS’93) – Archaeology Sponsor

“I give back because I believe in the power of a high-quality undergraduate education delivered by dedicated, caring, and engaged faculty members. As an undergraduate at Boston University, I received an excellent education in the classroom and benefited from faculty-led programs that provided me with opportunities to learn experientially in the world beyond BU. Undoubtedly though, the most influential aspect of my education was the individual attention I received and relationships I formed with faculty members through mentorship and advising. My time at BU was foundational in building a lifelong career as an archaeologist and professor of anthropology, and my experiences at BU were a model for the kind of educator I wanted to become. Undergraduates can do amazing things if you provide them with the right resources and believe in them. I want to help provide those resources for BU undergrads to support and honor the incredible faculty members who gave so much to me, and made my career possible.”

Keri P. Mattox, (CAS’98) — Experiential Learning Sponsor

“I give to Boston University and the College of Arts & Sciences because my BU education has served as the foundation of a fulfilling and adventure-filled career. The professors I met, the connections I made and all that I learned at BU set me up for success…and I am deeply committed to giving that experience to the next generation of Terriers.”



Fred Kleiner, Professor Emeritus of History of Art & Architecture and Archaeology — History of Art & Architecture Sponsor

“I want to make it more attractive for people to enter the field of art history. Humanities teaching jobs are really hard to get. I think college teaching is the best profession in the world, but students will only devote five to eight years of graduate study leading to a PhD if they are fully funded and don’t have to take on debt.” 

Read more about Professor Kleiner’s gift