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Name: Jared Pincus

Pronouns: He/Him/His

What is your hometown? Green Brook, New Jersey, USA

Program at BU? PhD in Computer Science with a research focus on programming languages and logic

Please briefly introduce yourself, what’s your background, and where are you from?

Hi there! I’m Jared. I grew up in New Jersey, an hour west of NYC. I completed my BS in computer science in 2021 at Stevens Institute of Technology, contributing to a few research projects along the way. I then earned my MS in computer science at Stevens, including a master’s thesis. I began my PhD in CS at BU in fall 2022. My research focuses on formal logic and programming language theory, and more broadly, the application of ideas in logic to related fields such as linguistics and philosophy. I have quite a few hobbies, most notably roller coaster design, video game development, and mathematical art.

Why did you choose to come to BU GRS for your graduate degree?

BU satisfied my two main criteria: being located in the Northeast US and featuring a strong set of faculty in my (less common) research area of programming language theory.

Among the universities to which I was accepted, I felt the strongest connection with my prospective advisors at BU and with the general philosophy of BU’s programming languages research group. The academic density of Boston also increased the appeal of BU, compared with other programs in relative isolation. The uniquely large Jewish community at BU, including one of the only graduate Hillels in the world, was a nice bonus too.

What are your favorite spots on the BU Campus?

I spend the vast majority of my time working either at my office in the new Jenga building or in my apartment. Aside from that, I do like visiting the COM lawn, Pavement Coffee, and Marsh Plaza.

What is your favorite part about attending BU and studying in the US?

What astounds me about BU is its sheer size, featuring every department imaginable, faculty of every specialty, students in every discipline from all over the globe, and tons of resources available for research and extracurriculars. And yet, despite this scale, almost all university events are within walking distance of my apartment.

How is life in Boston? 

Upon moving here and beginning my studies, the benefit of pursuing a PhD in Boston became immediately clear. There are so many universities in this area that all interact with each other, creating one massive academic ecosystem that probably rivals anywhere else on Earth.

I enjoy the relatively quiet area near Brookline where I live. Most things I need are within walking distance of my apartment, and when they aren’t, the T can get me just about anywhere. There are many beautiful parks and gardens, which I ought to visit more often. I don’t typically explore the busier parts of the city, or take advantage of the endless cultural and entertainment opportunities, but as far as I can tell, the people who do like those kinds of things are satisfied here

What do you hope to do after you graduate?

Since high school, I’ve aspired to become a professor; this goal has only grown more resolute as I’ve progressed through academia. I can say more precisely now that I intend to be a research professor in computer science, and more broadly a science communicator and education advocate.