Impact: A Holocaust survivor’s gift is fostering research to help engage minorities in politics
Jillian Jaeger wants to understand better how immigrants vote and make it into elected office.
Jillian Jaeger wants to understand better how immigrants vote and make it into elected office.
The International Society for Political Psychology’s Harold Lasswell Award is a lifetime achievement award for “distinguished scientific contributions in the field of political psychology.”
Scholars and policy-makers have worked for decades to understand and improve the representation women receive from national and international political organizations. Tali Mendelberg, professor of politics at Princeton University, argues that their efforts will often fall short unless they also address institutional rules that impede women’s voices.
CAS and the Department of Political Science reflects on Mayor Menino’s time at BU
Political Science Professor Cathie Jo Martin co-led a task force investigating the debilitating failure of Congress to find common ground on policy issues. Martin and her colleagues presented their findings to Congress in December.