File Servers

CAS provides file servers for use by faculty, staff, and students. The storage is intended for academic work and related documents. Please do not store personal music collections, videos, or photos on the file server.
Users seeking space for large amounts of data should contact us directly for a consultation.

Getting Access

Access requires the use of a valid BU username and password.  For guests or visiting faculty, please work with a faculty or staff member to request an account.

Request a User Folder
User folders can be requested by submitting a help ticket and requesting a new server account.
This user folder will not be shareable.

Request a Shared Folder
For purposes of collaboration, you can request a folder that can be shared by a number of users. This can be done by submitting a help ticket and and providing a list of authorized users.

From off-campus
To connect to a file server from off-campus, you must first connect to the BU network via VPN and then follow the below directions.

Where is my folder?
Here is a list of common folder paths:

\\ (PC) or smb:// (Mac) contains department and research group folders

\\\class_folders (PC) or smb:// (Mac) contains the course folders for classes held in CAS 327 and 330

\\\facstaff_home$ (PC) or smb://$ (Mac) contains the user directories for faculty and staff.

\\\homes1 (PC) or smb:// (Mac) Also contains user directories for faculty and staff. All newly requested faculty and staff folders are created in this location.

Please contact our office if you need assistance locating a file server folder.