
  • Measuring Virtue Better, A Little Later and a Little Rougher. Ellenwood, S., 2014. Boston: Boston University.
  • Character Compass: How Powerful School Culture Can Point Students Toward Success. Seider, S., 2012. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press
  • The Engaged Campus: Certificates, Minors, and Majors as the New Community Engagement. Butin, D. & Seider, S. (eds.) 2012. York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Happiness and Virtue Beyond East and West: Towards a NewGlobal Responsibility. K. Ryan, B. Lerner, K.E. Bohlin, O. Nakayama, S. Mizuno, K. Horiuchi (eds.). 2011.  Tuttle: Tokyo.
  • Great Lives, Vital Lessons. Bohlin and Lerner, 2005. Chapel Hill: Character Development Group
  • Teaching Character Education Through Literature: Awakening the Moral Imagination in Secondary Classrooms. Bohlin, 2005, London: Routledge
  • Citizenship and HigherEducation. Bohlin and Arthur, 2004, London: Kogan Page
  • The Triumph of Wounded Souls: Seven Holocaust Survivor’s Lives. Learner, 2004, Norte Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press
  • Practices of Teacher Educators Committed to Character. Bohlin, Dougherty & Farmer, 2003, Washington, D.C.: Character Education Partnership
  • Building Character in Schools Resource Guide. Ryan and Bohlin, 2001, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
  • Building Character in Schools: Practical Ways to Bring Moral Instruction to Life. Ryan and Bohlin, 1999, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
  • Teachers as Educators of Character: Are the Nation’s Schools of Education Coming Up Short? Nielson Jones, Ryan & Bohlin, 1999.
  • The Art of Loving Well [3rd Edition]. Ellenwood, Goldman, McLaren & Ryan, 1993, Boston: Boston University (produced with a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
  • Character Development in Schools and Beyond [2nd Edition]. Ryan and Lickona, 1992, Washington DC: Council for Researching Values and Philosophy