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Open Positions

Dr. Wagner will NOT be actively reviewing applications this cycle for the Developmental Science PhD program in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Boston University. However, if you feel your research expertise and interests are particularly well-aligned with one of our ongoing studies, please feel free to reach out. 


Click here for more information for interested graduate applicants.

Please visit the department’s website for more information regarding our PhD program.

Potential applicants are encouraged to learn more about the Developmental Science program at Boston University here.

Here are a few helpful resources for students thinking of applying to graduate school from around the academic web (much of this applies to my lab but also will be helpful for your applications in general): 

  • Good advice from the Shackman Lab can be found here.
  • Excellent resources provided by Dr. Prinstein can be found here (including a guide to graduate school. Although tailored to clinical students, much of his advice is applicable for developmental sciences students as well).

Undergraduate Research Assistants

The BASE Lab is always interested in working with outstanding undergraduates. See the For Students page for more information.

Join the BASE Lab!

Research Assistants: The BASE Lab is always interested in working with outstanding undergraduate and post-graduate research assistants.

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