Ngozi Okidegbe

Moorman-Simon Interdisciplinary Career Development Assistant Professor of Computing & Data Sciences + Associate Professor of Law

Ngozi Okidegbe is Moorman-Simon Interdisciplinary Career Development associate professor of law and an assistant professor of computing & data sciences—the first dual-appointed professor to the School of Law and the Faculty of Computing & Data Sciences.

The author of scholarly work at the intersection of Law and Computing Technologies, including Discredited Data (2022), The Democratizing Potential of Algorithms? (2021), and When They Hear Us: Race, Algorithms, and the Practice of Criminal Law (2020), Ngozi’s research is in the areas of criminal procedure, evidence, technology, and racial justice. Her recent work explores the ways in which the use of predictive technologies in the criminal justice system impact racially marginalized communities.

Professor Okidegbe graduated with a B.C.L./LL.B from McGill University’s Faculty of Law, where she was awarded the Edwin Botsford Busteed Scholarship, the Rosa B. Gualtieri Prize, the Daniel Mettarlin Memorial Scholarship, and the Schull Yang Award. She subsequently earned her LL.M from Columbia Law School, where she graduated as a James Kent Scholar.

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