
Event summary: From Data to Action – April 30, 2024

Data science has widespread potential for improving the ability to predict the spread of infectious diseases. On April 30, 2024, CEID welcomed Caroline Buckee, PhD; Alessandro Vespignani, PhD; and Larry Madoff, MD to discuss its current and potential future uses. Dr. Madoff, who serves as Medical Director of the Bureau of... More

MassCPR Symposium: Pandemic Preparedness event recap

Politicians and leaders in healthcare, research, and policy gathered for Massachusetts Consortium on Pathogen Readiness (MassCPR)’s Symposium on Pandemic Preparedness on November 14, 2023. The event kicked off with a keynote discussion with former Prime Minister of New Zealand Dame Jacinda Ardern, Sir Ashley Bloomfield, and Dame Juliet Gerrard, moderated by... More


10 Things You Should Know About Endemicity & COVID-19 Response

On March 9, Boston University’s Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases Policy and Research (CEID) and Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs hosted What is endemicity? What are the shared goals of COVID-19 Response?  Dr. Nahid Bhadelia, Founding Director of CEID, provided opening remarks, and the event... More

Reading List for the Age of Epidemics

As we walk into the new year and the uncertain next phase of this once in a century pandemic, the last thing you may want to add to your resolutions list is reading books on emerging infections and the conditions that give rise to them. We here at CEID feel... More

We Together Are Not Powerless Against COVID; Let’s Enter 2022 Stronger & More Resilient Than We Leave 2021

It can be easy to feel anxious and overwhelmed as the Omicron variant continues to spread rapidly through our communities. Here’s a roundup of what some of our CEID Faculty had to say as we approach winter holidays, a new year, and another phase of the COVID-19 pandemic: “This is usually... More

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Building Trust During Scientific Uncertainty: How Do We Better Respond to Outbreaks?

What does it mean to “trust in science”? Which messages have we chosen to trust in the age of COVID-19? How have we sourced these messages, and how have evolving messages shaped the decisions we’ve made throughout the pandemic? Who have we chosen as trusted advisers to deliver the messages... More

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