Our Vision

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States and a leading cause worldwide. It is responsible for more than seven million deaths each year. Despite advances in biomedical research, we still cannot cure heart disease, nor can we fix damaged human heart tissue.

CELL-MET aims to change this.

Below are our center-wide objectives, which reflect our belief that we are only successful if we pair our research with developing a diverse workforce, a strong culture of inclusion, and a thriving innovation ecosystem.

Center-wide Objectives

  • Build engineered heart tissues of increasing complexity through advances at the convergence of engineering and biological disciplines.
  • Prepare the next generation of engineers with key educational, technical, communication, and professional skills to lead the emerging Eng-Bio Convergence field.
  • Attract young learners to engineering and other STEM disciplines through CELL-MET outreach.
  • Promote diverse and inclusive perspectives within and outside of our community.
  • Impact society through a thriving CELL-MET innovation ecosystem.

Our Research develops new technologies and integrates existing ones, including stem cell biology, mechanobiology, materials science, and optics. We refer to this research approach as “Eng-Bio Convergence.” Through this approach we will build (a) cardiac patches capable of repairing damaged hearts and (b) cardiac tissue platforms that can be used for heart physiology and disease research. Learn more.

Through our Diversity and Culture of Inclusion work, CELL-MET strives for inclusive excellence. This includes structuring our research so that historically excluded groups engage in and benefit from this work. Learn more.

Through Engineering Workforce Development, we offer a variety of education and training programs. Our target audience include precollege learners, (under)graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows. Through this we seek to produce a diverse, well-trained and globally aware workforce. Learn more.

Through the Innovation Ecosystem, our industry partners work with CELL-MET researchers and trainees to develop new business opportunities and industries. Through our center-wide objectives, CELL-MET is developing the next generation of leaders. Our future leaders will be well-equipped to helm the emerging Eng-Bio Convergence Ecosystem and build upon CELL-MET’s discoveries in the years to come. Learn more.