Workshops & Trainings

Inclusion Thursdays are 60-90 minute DCI professional development workshops. They are designed and implemented to support individual and community reflection, intercultural skill development, and general awareness of equitable and inclusive best practices. See below for a detailed list of past offerings.

  • Inclusion: Our Collective Learning Journey (Deborah Willis)
  • Developing Cultural Intelligence (Robert Scott)
  • Cultivating Inclusive Learning Experiences (Deborah Willis)
  • Bridging the gap in STEM: Gender and Orientation Inclusion (YES Institute)
  • The Illusion of Asian Success: A Quantitative look at the Glass Ceiling By Race and Gender (Buck Gee)
  • Building for Everyone: Strategies and tips to apply an inclusive lens to product design (Annie Jean Baptiste)
  • Book Discussion: Building for Everyone (Akesha Moore)
  • Disability and Neurodiversity Aren’t Dirty Words: Practical access strategies for the STEM context (Courtney Wade)
  • Dialogues on Diversity – Get out of your Bubble (Ron Jones)
  • Summer Diversity Summit: CiU-ABR (Karina Moore & Paula Vinales-Bowman)
  • Summer Diversity Summit: APID/A
  • Developing Cultural Intelligence & Unconscious Bias Training (Robert Scott)
  • CQ Your Bias Part 2 (Akesha Moore)
  • Embedding Equity in CELL-MET’s Daily Practices (Darryl Dickerson and Sandra Rodegher)
  • Intersectionality (Akesha Moore)
  • DEI and Me (Akesha Moore)

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