Online Degrees & Admissions


Explore our online program admissions requirements, financial tools, and resources to determine if they are a match for you. Reach out to with any questions along the way, or simply begin your application here!

We look forward to hearing from you.

Admissions Requirements

The CFA Online Experience

Why online at Boston University?

As the first educational institution to offer online music degrees, Boston University has continued to be at the forefront of online programs. With fine arts and music offerings, the programs offer students the expert teaching and quality curricula that is a hallmark of Boston University.

Hear from our students and learn why the online programs continue to shape music and art education and educators.

Meet Our Graduates

Resources for Current Online Students

Are you a current student in an online program at CFA looking for information or forms? Find all the tools you need during your online Art Education and Music Education experience.

Online CFA Student Resources

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