Renee E. Yancey
Senior Lecturer, Management; Management Programs Head; Academic Coordinator for Curriculum and Assessment
“I believe that as a stage manager and a production manager I am an artist and a collaborator. I hope to foster and encourage in my students active engagement in collaborative processes, an open communication style where they speak the language of the actors, director, designers, and production team, and to guide them in the exploration of their artistry as they discover their unique style of facilitating and supporting a rehearsal and production environment that emboldens creative exploration and artistic risks. And in the process, I hope to learn from them as well.”
Renee E. Yancey is a freelance Production Manager and AEA Stage Manager. She teaches both stage and production management within the BU College of Fine Arts School of Theatre and is the Management Programs Head, serving as faculty mentor to students within the MFA Production Management and BFA Stage Management programs. Originally from Texas, Renee spent 10 years based in the D.C./Baltimore area where she performed stage, production, and events management for Olney Theatre Center, Studio Theatre, theatreWashington/Helen Hayes Awards, Shakespeare Theatre Company, Velocity DC, and AFI Silver Spring. New England-area work includes collaborations with New Repertory Theatre, Boston Playwrights’ Theatre, The Nora and Underground Railway Theater at Central Square Theater, Wheelock Family Theatre, Opera House Arts, and Commonwealth Shakespeare Company. Renee is a member of the Actors’ Equity Association, the Stage Managers’ Association (Eastern Region Director), and the Production Manager’s Forum.
For more on Renee, visit renee-e-yancey.com.