Taire Chevalier

Taire Chevalier

Administrative Coordinator for Enrollment Services

Taire Chevalier, Administrative Coordinator for Enrollment Services at Boston University College of Fine Arts, is a graduate of Boston University, with a BFA in Theatre Arts (Design and Production) focusing on Scenic Painting and Dramaturgy, and a minor in Archaeology. His interest in working at the University began with Boston University Orientation, where he was a Program Advisor (2017), and the Howard Thurman Center for Common Ground, where he was a Program Manager (2018).

His artistic pursuits include painting, dramaturgy, amateur graphic design, and photography, among other things (check out his website for more), and he has a specific passion for queer and intersectional projects, synthesizing his artistic talents with his passion for social justice. In his spare time, he loves to listen to Stray Kids, play games, and work on learning Japanese.

Taire is happy to be a resource for students to talk to when they don’t know where else to go. Always feel free to reach out to him at mccobb31@bu.edu. Learn more about Taire at mccobb31.wixsite.com.