MyBU Student Portal

Boston University College of Fine Arts graduate students can use the MyBU student portal to complete many account management tasks. Bookmark the link for easy access!


Title IV Refund

In compliance with federal regulations, all Federal Financial Aid recipients whose total federal funds exceed allowable semester expenses will receive a federal Title IV Refund automatically, unless the student authorizes the University to retain the funds to cover other expenses.

Allowable expenses include, and are limited to, tuition, fees, and on-campus housing & food. Since federal regulations prohibit the University from using excess federal funds for non-allowable charges (including medical insurance, late fees, convenience points, library fines, and prior balances) a federal Title IV Refund may result in an outstanding balance. Students can prevent this by completing a Federal Financial Aid Credit Authorization form and submitting it to Student Accounting Services.

Leave of Absence & Withdrawal Policy

IMPORTANT: Please read and review the College of Fine Arts Policy: Withdrawal, Leave of Absence, and Reinstatement. If you plan on taking a withdrawal or leave of absence, please complete the applicable paperwork here.

Federal financial aid is awarded based on the dates to which you are registered for each semester. Students “earn” federal financial aid by attending courses during their scheduled enrollment period.

If you are a merit scholarship recipient, changes to your enrollment could impact your scholarship eligibility. If you have been awarded federal financial aid, but then change your enrollment or no longer attend, your federal financial aid eligibility will be re-calculated based on your adjusted enrollment.

This calculation does not coincide with the tuition refund schedule set by Student Accounting Services but instead, determines the percentage of the original award amount that was earned prior to your official withdrawal or drop date. This can result in an immediate balance on your student account. Please email to discuss the possible financial implications of adjusting your enrollment.

Return to Title IV Funding (R2T4)

A Return of Title IV (R2T4) calculation will occur when you withdraw or if you drop your last class in a semester before completing at least 60 percent of the semester. An R2T4 calculation can also occur if you are un-enrolled from your last class in a semester or if that class is cancelled. When you withdraw from College of Fine Arts before completing 60 percent of your scheduled enrollment in any semester, College of Fine Arts must return a portion of the Title IV financial aid loan funds you received. This will result in an immediate balance owed to College of Fine Arts.

Charges are cancelled in accordance with the Withdrawal and Tuition Refund Schedules, based on the effective date of the withdrawal or leave of absence. Mere absence from classes does not reduce a student’s financial obligation nor guarantee that a final grade will not be recorded.

Questions about account balances should be directed to Student Accounting Services at 25 Buick Street, Suite 130, Boston, MA 02215.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is the term used when determining a student’s eligibility for federal financial aid (which includes federal loans and Federal Work-Study). At the end of each payment period or semester, a review of the student’s SAP is conducted. A student’s failure to meet SAP standards may result in the loss of federal financial aid eligibility.

The CFA graduate financial aid minimum standard for Satisfactory Academic Progress for students is:

    • Semester Cumulative Grade Point average of at least a 3.0 or higher.
    • No more than two failing grades and/or W grades
    • Students meet all milestones of the degree (i.e., comprehensive exams, qualifying exams, recitals, dissertation prospectus, etc., as appropriate) on the schedule specified by the program and with sufficient quality of work as specified by the program.

Please be advised that SAP Standards are utilized solely to determine federal aid eligibility.

Financial Aid Warning
A student who fails to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress will be automatically placed on Federal Financial Aid Warning for the next registered semester or payment period. An electronic notification detailing the appeal process for mitigating circumstances will be sent to the student’s Boston University email address.