Call For Contributions: Critical Forced Displacement Volume 2

Critical Forced Displacement (CFD) Magazine is an interdisciplinary, international, open-access magazine published by Boston University’s Center on Forced Displacement and featuring articles, essays, art, and argument concerned with forced displacement.

Boston University’s Center on Forced Displacement invites contributions to our interdisciplinary, multi-genre magazine. The magazine, published quarterly, will bring together a variety of original works across disciplines in a peer-reviewed publication that examines the global challenge of forced displacement through a multi-faceted lens. We welcome contributions from any field, perspective, or style exploring the theme for Volume 2 of CFD Magazine, which will be Pedagogy and Education on Forced Displacement

We are interested in a wide range of types of writing and genres, including, but not limited to:

  • Original essays and perspectives (3000 words or less)
  • Book reviews
  • Op-Eds (800 words or less)
  • Original artwork
  • Poetry
  • Short stories
  • Photographs
  • Mixed-genre pieces

Please submit your piece by August 16, 2024 for anticipated launch in Fall of 2024. We will consider submissions from scholars, practitioners, artists, advocates, policymakers, and concerned citizens, regardless of current publication status, university or professional affiliation, career stage, or manner of university affiliation (student vs faculty/staff status).  

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