The Team System
Three CGS professors, one academic advisor, and 80 CGS students– it all adds up to one CGS team. Your professors and academic advisors form a team that works together to create a seamless student experience. You’re more than a name on an attendance list—you have people who know your work, your writing, your interests, and you.
Making Connections Between Courses
While at CGS, you’re on a team of three CGS faculty members and one academic advisor. Each week, your faculty meet to talk about their cross-disciplinary courses, make connections between lectures and concepts, and put together a cohesive, interdisciplinary classroom experience. The academic advisor is a crucial part of the team. When your advisor knows what you’re learning in the classroom, they can collaborate with you to connect your classroom learning to your other activities and goals.
Focusing on Students
CGS professors love to teach. Our professors are full-time BU faculty appointed to our College– not on loan from other colleges in the University. In any discussion, classroom, or office visit, you’re face to face with a faculty member. We don’t outsource office hours or discussion sections to teaching assistants or graduate students. Your professors grade your exams and read every word of your essays.
Building Strong Relationships
You have the same team of faculty throughout the year. That means the professors you take in your first semester are the professors you take in your second one, when you study abroad. It also means you’re studying with the same students in Boston and London—building relationships, study groups, and friendships. You’ll go to London with faculty and classmates you already know.