Indu Ohri
Lecturer, Humanities
Research and Teaching Interests:
Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century British Literature, Transatlantic Women Writers, Global Anglophone Literature, Supernatural Fiction and the Gothic, Feminist Theory and Gender Studies, Digital Humanities, Neo-Victorianism, Community Engagement
“‘The Story Seems of an Almost Unbelievable Romanticism’: Agatha Christie’s Parodic Emptying of Wilkie Collins’s Foreign Conspiracies.” Forthcoming in The Wilkie Collins Journal.
“Recentering Nursing in Wartime” Lesson Plan. Mary Seacole and the Caribbean Cluster. Undisciplining the Victorian Classroom, April 2021, https://undiscipliningvc.org/html/lesson_plans/seacole_recentering_nursing.html.
“Inhabiting the House of Edith Wharton’s Fiction: Rewriting the Captive Woman in Deborah Noyes’s The Ghosts of Kerfol.” Adaptation in Young Adult Novels: Critically Engaging Past and Present, edited by Dana Lawrence and Amy Montz, (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020).
“Accessibility, Equity, and Inclusion in Online Writing Instruction (OWI).” I-WROTE (Inventory of Writing and Rhetoric Online Teaching Efficacy), University of Virginia, July 2020, https://writingrhetoric.as.virginia.edu/i-wro.
“‘A Medium Made of Such Uncommon Stuff’: The Female Occult Investigator in Victorian Women’s Fin-de-Siècle Supernatural Fiction.” Preternature, vol. 8, no. 1, Fall 2019, 254-282.
“Dr. Anna Kingsford.” The Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction, edited by Kevin Morrison, (McFarland, 2018).
“‘Far From the Haunts of British Tourists’: Amelia Edwards’s Ghostly Critique of English Tourism.” Victorians Institute Journal Digital Annex, vol. 42, 2014.
“‘Their Friend, The Third Part of their Lives’: Reconstructing Lost-at-Sea Narratives in Mary Butts’s Ghost Stories.” Accepted for Mary Butts, Feminist Reconstructions, edited by Joel Hawkes, (Bloomsbury Publishing).
Book Reviews and Editorial Projects
Review of Juliette Wood’s Fantastic Creatures in Mythology and Folklore (forthcoming in The Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts)
Review of Melissa Makala’s Women’s Colonial Gothic Writing, 1850-1930: Haunted Empire, Gothic Studies, vol. 23, no. 1, March 2021, pp. 15-17.
Review of Russell Blackford’s Science Fiction and the Moral Imagination: Visions, Minds, Ethics, SFRA Review, vol. 330, Fall 2019, pp. 173-176.
Assistant Editor, Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition, 2019 and Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition, 2020 (Parlor Press, 2019 and 2020).
“The Conflict between Individuality, Science, and Theology in the Victorian Ghost Story.” Review of Spirits and Spirituality in Victorian Fiction by Jen Cadwallader. Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies, vol. 12, no. 3, Winter 2016.
Review of “Every Bird, To You,” by Sarah Marcus. Meridian, vol. 33, May 2014, pp. 149-151.
Awards and Professional Accomplishments
Keats-Shelley Society of America/Romantic Anti-Racist Pedagogy Colloquium Fellowship, 2021-2022
Echols Fellow (in recognition of excellence in teaching), Department of English, University of Virginia, August 2020-May 2021
Community Engaged Learning Initiative (for combining community engagement and course design), Madison House, University of Virginia, Spring 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021
Faculty Research Sprint for support in creating The Eternal Wanderer: The Lafcadio Hearn Project, University of Virginia, May 2020-May 2021
Professional Development Funding, Teaching for Equity and Social Justice Learning Community, University of Virginia, Summer 2020
CGII Award Grant for The Eternal Wanderer: The Lafcadio Hearn Project, Center for Global Inquiry and Innovation, University of Virginia, 2019-2020
Course Design Institute (CDI) Teaching Grant, University of Virginia, Summer 2019
The Gosnell Prize (for supervising the best first-year composition essay), University of Virginia, May 2019
Power, Violence, and Inequality (PVI) Collective Graduate Fellowship, University of Virginia, 2017-2018 (URL: http://pvi.virginia.edu/?page_id=476)
Graduate English Fellowship for Conference Travel, University of Virginia, Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2016, Spring 2017, Spring 2018
Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Conference (INCS) Travel Grant, Spring 2016
Selected Conference Papers
Discussant (invited), “Undisciplining the Victorian Classroom: Dickens, Seacole, and the Afterlives of Care.” Christmas in the Crimea: Mary Seacole and Communities of Care Roundtable, Dickens Universe 2021, July 28, 2021
Roundtable Organizer and Discussant, “Undisciplining the Victorian Classroom: Teaching Interventions on Caribbean Authors.” Victorian Popular Fiction Conference 2021, July 14, 2021
Discussant (invited), “Zoomcast with Kira Braham, Indu Ohri, and Bre Simpson.” Hosted by
Adrian S. Wisnicki, Undisciplining the Victorian Classroom, May 12, 2021, https://undiscipliningvc.org/html/zoomcasts/braham-ohri-simpson.html.
Roundtable Co-Chair and Discussant (with Emily August, invited). Theory and Scholarship of Diversity and Inclusion, Nineteenth-Century Studies Association Virtual Conference, March 13, 2021
Discussant, Diversity and Inclusion in Pedagogy Roundtable, Nineteenth-Century Studies Association Virtual Conference, March 11, 2021
Panel Organizer and Participant. “‘The Power of Seeing Things to Others Mercifully Invisible’: The Artist Heroine’s Uncanny Vision in Late Victorian Women’s Ghost Stories,” Supernatural Visions Panel, British Women Writers Conference, Fort Worth, TX, March 5, 2020
Panel Organizer and Participant. “‘The Fine Tools Refused to Obey the Master’s Hand’: Victorian Women’s Representation of the Haunted Caribbean,” Transnational Gothic Panel, Victorian Institute Conference, Charleston, SC, November 1, 2019
“‘The Hidden Ghost that Has its Home in Me’: Spectral Inquiry, Uncanny Humanity, and the Brontë Sisters,” MLA Convention, New York, NY, January 5-7, 2018
“‘He was Fighting the Child and Killing It’: Traumatized Bodies, Youthful Victims, and Ghostly
Revengers,” Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Conference, Philadelphia, PA, March 17, 2017
“‘Our Men of Science Foster the Fatal Tendency’: Critiquing Scientific Masculinity in Charlotte Riddell’s Supernatural Fiction,” Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies Conference, Asheville, NC, March 11, 2016
“‘A Fascination None of Us Could Resist’: Female Servant Narratives in Victorian Women’s Ghost Stories,” Victorians Institute Conference, Spartanburg, SC, October 3, 2015
“‘There Must Be Some Magnetic Chain between Two Beings’: Classifying Mesmeric Attraction in Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s Ghost Stories,” North American Victorian Studies Association Conference, London, Ontario, Canada, November 14, 2014
“‘Far From the Haunts of British Tourists’: Amelia Edwards’s Ghostly Critique of English Tourism,” Victorians Institute Conference, Charlotte, NC, October 24, 2014