Month: May 2011

Chemistry’s Renovated Front Office

Chemistry friends and alumni are invited to view our completely redesigned and renovated front office by clicking here or — better yet — by visiting.  While looking radically different, the new front office fits seamlessly into the original footprint. The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) commissioned the design from Kristine Stoller and Alan Westman […]

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Chemistry’s “New” Periodic Table

When we needed a graphically compelling representation of the Periodic Table for the Chemistry front office, we turned to Professor Dan Dill.  In addition to his theoretical and physical chemistry expertise, Professor Dill is an accomplished photographer, who received a Kodak Award in 2006.  Here is his recounting of the process: “I received an e-mail […]

Whitty Receives College’s Highest Advising Award

Professor Adrian Whitty has received a Templeton Award for Excellence in Student Advising in recognition of his strong and demonstrated commitment to the personal and academic development of his students. The award is presented each year at the College of Arts and Sciences Class Day ceremony. In announcing the award, Dr. Steven Jarvi, Associate Dean […]

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PFF Alumnus Receives Teacher of the Year Award

In March 2011, John Miecznikowski, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry, received Fairfield University’s Teacher of the Year Award. He was nominated by the Fairfield student body and selected from among 75 undergraduate professors. Professor Miecznikowski began his teaching career as a Postdoctoral Faculty Fellow (PFF) in the Boston University Department of Chemistry (2004-2007). At BU, […]