BU Chemistry REU Program Awarded 3 Year Renewal of Funding

BU Chemistry REU Class of 2015
BU Chemistry REU Class of 2015

BU Chemistry is pleased to announce a 3-year renewal of funding for our NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program.  This summer program, hosted by the Chemistry Department, provides students from primarily undergraduate institutions with opportunities to work in advanced research laboratories. Of the 33 students who participated in the program over the past three years, 75% came from underrepresented minority groups, better than 60% were women, and more than 50% came from community colleges. Many of them co-authored peer-reviewed publications, presented their findings at conferences, and/or decided to attend graduate school, including BU. Another measure of the program’s success is its ever-expanding pool of applicants, with over 1,000 applications received for the summer 2015 program alone.

Chemistry would like to give special recognition to the efforts of Professors John Snyder, Principal Investigator (PI), and Linda Doerrer, co-PI, whose hard work and commitment to the program made this renewal possible.

The Chemistry Department is accepting applications now for the Summer 2016 session.  For more information, visit the BU Chemistry REU.