Gohkan Mulayim

PhD Candidate, Sociology


Gokhan Mulayim is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Sociology Department. Working primarily at the intersection of economic and cultural sociology, organizations, occupations and work, and urban studies, he studies how the so-called extra-economic is translated into the economic. He looks specifically into how peculiar goods and services are being economized, and how the markets for those goods and services are being constructed. Using ethnographic research tools, his dissertation examines the economization of security as a political, social, and affective good and service in the market for private security in Istanbul. For more information on Muliyim’s research and publication, visit his webpage.

In Spring 2022, Mulayim received travel funding to present at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association provided by CISS. For more information on this grant and the grant recipients, see our featured article here.