
Metropolitan College’s commitment to accessibility removes many of the barriers that might discourage people from considering—much less completing—a solid and recognized graduate education in planning or urban affairs. As a result, you’ll find a student body that is truly diverse, and a learning environment that’s highly motivating and exciting. Part- and full-time students in the program include mid-career working professionals, as well as domestic and foreign traditional students who want to pursue graduate studies in the field.

MCP and MUA students at Metropolitan College benefit from:

  • An emphasis on “immersive learning”
  • A focus on practical applications of theoretical concepts
  • The kind of skill-based knowledge that’s necessary for every emerging planner in the 21st century

As a result, our graduates are critical, open-minded thinkers and creative, pragmatic problem solvers, with access to a network of area and regional employers, policymakers, and analysts.