What Classical Studies can offer you!

What does it mean to study Classics?

Classics is in many things: it is great history  about democracy, republics, and empire, about war and peace; it’s great literature, from epic to tragedy and comedy, history and satire, philosophy and the novel. It is myth studies, political science, art history, religion, psychology, linguistics, and medicine; it is even the powerful arts of persuasion and rhetoric. We explore them all. We look to the past to see the present. 

You can major or minor in Classical Civilization, Ancient Greek, Latin, and Ancient Greek and Latin,  as well as joint concentrations in Classics and Archaeology, Classics & Religion and Classics & Philosophy. The Department also offers minors in Modern Greek and in Myth Studies.

You can study all this under one roof or while abroad and have a blast doing so. And don’t miss out on our faculty/undergraduate raucous yearly Spring Comedy production.