Systems of Knowledge in Republican Rome – April 23, 2021

Diana Spencer, University of Birmingham
Varro’s strategies of quotation in De Lingua Latina

Hannah Čulík-Baird, Boston University
“Cicero on Fiction”

Katharina Volk, Columbia University
“Necromancers in the Senate”

Ovid and Augustan Culture – April 26, 2019

John F. Miller, University of Virginia
“The Lover’s Calendar”

Ioannis Ziogas, Durham University
Lex amatoria: Teaching Law and Love in the Age of Augustus

Barbara Weiden Boyd, Bowdoin College
“Still, She Persisted: Materiality in Ovid’s Metamorphoses

Religion and Relationships in the Poetry of Catullus – April 20, 2018

Leah Kronenberg, Boston University
“In Praise of Diana? Catullus 34 and the Diana of Valerius Cato”

Christopher Polt, Boston College
“Broken Hymenaeus and Priapic Pontifex: Ritual Subversion and Restoration in Catullus 17”

William Fitzgerald, King’s College London
“Catullus: Our Roman or False Friend?”

Ovid Over Time – April 21, 2017

Paul Barolsky, University of Virginia
“The Watery World of Ovid”

Martin Winker, George Mason University
“Cinemetamorphosis: Films as ars Ovidiana”

Carole Newlands, University of Colorado Boulder
“Ovid on the Margins: From Gavin Douglas to Derek Walcott

Ian Fielding, University of Michigan
“Some Ovidian Anniversaries”

Representations: The World of the World in Late Republican Rome – April 22, 2016

John Dugan, University at Buffalo, SUNY
“Cicero’s Secret History’ and his Death as an Author”

Fred Ahl, Cornell University
“The Power of Cicero’s Wordplay”

John Bodel, Brown University
“Living up to your name in Roman histography and related genres”

Mary Jaeger, University of Oregon
“Lame in One Foot: Livy’s Alternate History and the Case of Titus Quinctius”

The Public Life of Roman Women – April 10, 2015

Amy Richlin, University of California, Los Angeles
“Slave-women and Freedwomen: Political Culture from Below in the 200s BCE”

Patricia Johnson, Boston Univeristy
“The Female Kin of C. Sempronius Tuditanus: A Prosopography of Women’s Political Engagement”

Barbara Gold, Hamilton College
“Perpetua and the Women of the Novel and the Apocryphal Acts: How Public and Private Interact”

From Infant to Citizen – April 25, 2014

Keith Bradley, University of Notre Dame
“Learning Virtue: Aeneas, Ascanius, and Augustus”

Lauren Caldwell, Wesleyan University
“Becoming Cloelia: The Education of Roman Girls”

James Uden, Boston University
“Childhood Education in Imperial Rome: Plutarch, Quintilian Juvenal”

Imperium Romanum: Domination and its Challenges – April 26, 2013

Emma Dench, Harvard University
“Imaging Roman Power”

Zsuzsanna Varhelyi, Boston University
“Representing Leaders – From Republic to Empire”

Josiah Osgood, Georgetown University
“How do Civil Wars End? Some Roman Answers”

April 20, 2012

Joy Connolly, New York University
“The Poetics of Non-Sovereign Freedom in Horace’s Satires

James Uden, Boston University
“The Satirist and the Scholar in Second-Century Rome”

Joel Relihan, Wheaton College
“Apuleius and Lucian: A Menippean Moment in the Second Century

Presenting the Past – April 29, 2011

Lisa Mignone, Brown University
“Land Confiscation in 456 BCE? Rethinking the Lex Icilia”

Ann Vasaly, Boston University
“The ‘Archaeology’ of Early Rome: Livy and his Predecessors”

Andrew Feldherr, Princeton University
“Vergil’s Salian Fugue: Excavating Roman Epic in Evander’s Rome”

Shrinking the Muse: Psychoanalysis and Literature – April 30, 2010

Lowell Edmunds, Rutgers University
“Psychoanalytic Interpretation: Greek Myths and Roman Poems”

Jeffrey Mehlman, Boston University
“Hippolytus Takes a Girlfriend: A Psychoanalytic Crux”

Ellen Oliensis, University of California, Berkeley
“Loving writing: Ovid’s Amores”

Novel Ideas – April 24, 2009

Jeffrey Henderson, Boston University
“Petronius and the Greek Novel”

Niall Slater, Emory University
“Various Asses”

Judith Perkins, St. Joseph College
“Imagined Communities in Ancient Fictions”

Reading Imperial Religion – April 22, 2005

Zsuzsanna Várhelyi, Boston University
“Religion and Power in the Early Empire”

James Rives, York University
“Reason and Revelation in Apuleius”

Joseph Pucci, Brown University
“Catullus among the Christians”

Greece in Rome – April 23, 2004

Frank Nisetich, Visiting Professor Classics at Boston University
“From Tarentum to Mantua:  Latin Translators and Roman Poets”

Alan Cameron, Columbia University
“Greek Mythology in the roman world:  The Strange Story of Ptolemy the Quail”

Kathleen Coleman, Harvard University
“Q. Sulpicius Maximus, poet, eleven years old”

April 25, 2003
In Honor of Professor Meyer Reinhold

Kurt Raaflaub, Brown University
“Caesar, Augustus, and the Restoration of Liberty”

Wolfgang Haase, Boston University
“Marc-Antoine Muret, First Political Commentator of Tacitus”

Susan Ford Wiltshire, Vanderbilt University
“James A. Garfield:  Classicist and President”

April 19, 2002

Lowell Edmunds, Rutgers University
“Mars in Love: Hellenistic Traits in the Proem to Lucretius’ DRN

Jeri DeBrohun, Brown University
“Love’s Monuments: Inscriptional Language and the Immortalization of Elegy in Propertius, Book IV”

Bruce Redford, Boston University
“Eros and the Antique: Sir William Hamilton in Enlightenment Naples”

April 27, 2001

Susanna Braund, Yale University
“Representations of Rage in Roman Epic Poetry”

Pamela Bleisch, Boston University
Transvestism and Tragicomedy in Plautus’ Amphitruo

Charles Segal, Harvard University
“Black and White Magic in Ovid’s Metamorphoses: Passion, Love, Art”

Horace – April 28, 2000

Charles Ahern, Boston College
“Horace, Hypermnestra, and the Danaids in Rome”

Cynthia Damon, Amherst College
“Up From the Dead: Historiography in Horace’s Odes

Richard Tarrant, Harvard University
“The Problem of Horace’s Political Poetry”

Donald Carne-Ross, Boston University
“The Horatian Ode: if it won’t translate…”

David Ferry, Wellesley College
Reading from his translations 

April 23, 1999

Vasily Rudich, Yale University
“Paideia in Persius and Petronius”

Nancy Shumate, Smith College
“Petronius and the Question of Authenticity”

John Bodel Rutgers University
Liber Esto: Free(d) Speech: at the Banquet of Trimalchio (Pet. 41-46)”

April 24, 1998

Mario Erasmo, Wellesley College
“Reading Death in Roman Poetry”

Valerie M. Warrior, Boston University
Religio in Livy’s Account of the Second Punic War”

David Konstan, Brown University
“Roman Pity”

 April 18, 1997

Richard F. Thomas, Harvard University
“Virgil and Aeneas”

James J. O’Hara, Wesleyan University
“Callimachus and Virgilian Etymological Wordplay”

Stephen Scully, Boston University
“‘Refining Fire’ in Aeneid 8”

April 19, 1996

Adele Scafuro, Brown University
“Ludic Litigators and Layman Judges in Second Century BC Rome”

Patricia Johnston, Brandeis University
“Eros and Psyche in the Ancient Mystery Cults”

William Vance, Boston University
“America’s Christians and Rome’s Nudes”

April 21, 1995

Ann Vasaly, Boston University
‘Livy’s Ideal Republic’’

Patricia Johnson, College of the Holy Cross
‘Ovid’s Livia in Exile’

Michael Putnam, Brown University
“The Lyric Genius of the Aeneid