Spend your Summer in Greece!

Are you looking for an exciting study abroad experience?

Boston University Philhellenes – BUPh and the Department of Classical Studies at Boston University join forces for the first time with Study in Greece and the BA Program in the Archaeology, History and Literature of Ancient Greece at the University of Athens – the most prominent Greek state university –  to organize the “Voyage into Greek Civilization Summer Program.” This 6-week study abroad offers students the opportunity to dive into Greek culture and history by taking a Modern Greek language and culture course taught by Boston University Senior Lecturer Kelly Polychroniou or a 200 Philosophy course: ‘Virtue and the virtues of a leader in ancient Greek Philosophy” taught by Professors from the University of Athens. They will also be leading guided tours. The courses taken are approved for transfer to Boston University.

The program also includes weekend trips and guided tours taught by professors from the University of Athens.

What you can expect from the Voyage into Greek Civilization Summer Program:

  • Combination of studies and leisure
  • Living in the heart of Athens
  • Getting a traditional academic experience by studying on the University of Athens campus
  • Visiting famous Greek landmarks & museums
  • Attending theatre & music festivals
  • Meeting other like-minded students, and spending time in one of the most historic and vibrant capitals worldwide.

Explore our program below!

Learn More about the Program...


Kelly Polychroniou

Master Lecturer in Modern Greek; Head of Modern Greek Language Program


Joseph Knapik

Senior Program Coordinator
