Professor Lauren E. Brown

CMD Associate Director and Research Associate Professor of Chemistry

  • phone: 617.358.6044
  • email: brownle

Professor Brown received a B.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Southern California in 2003 and her Ph.D. in Chemistry and Biochemistry from the University of California, Santa Cruz in 2009, studying underĀ Professor Joseph Konopelski. She joined Boston University as a Postdoctoral Research Associate under Professor Scott E. Schaus in July 2009 and was promoted to Research Scientist in the CMLD-BU in January, 2012.

Lauren was promoted to Research Associate Professor of Chemistry in Summer, 2020 and also serves as the Associate Director of the CMD. She leads efforts in the Center’s library synthesis activities, works on several ongoing medicinal chemistry projects, and coordinates all collaborative activities within the Chemical Library Consortium.