
Analytical Core rates effective 1/1/24:

Service Description Charge Basis Internal (BU) Rate


External Academic Rate


External Market Rate


Instrumentation: UPLC-MS (unassisted) Per sample* $5 Not available Not available
Instrumentation: UPLC-MS (assisted) Per sample* $230 Enquire Enquire
Instrumentation: Walkup NMR (ATB probe) Per hour peak: $20
off-peak: $5
Not available Not available
Instrumentation: Flow probe NMR (unassisted) Per hour $431 Not available Not available
Instrumentation: Microwave synthesizer Per hour $46 Not available Not available
Instrumentation: Mass-guided preparative HPLC purification (Unassisted) Per sample** $111 Not available Not available
Instrumentation: Mass-guided preparative HPLC purification (Assisted) Per sample** $302 Enquire Enquire
Instrumentation: Chiral preparative HPLC purification (Unassisted) Per hour $96 Not available Not available
Instrumentation: Chiral preparative HPLC purification (Assisted) Per hour $560 Enquire Enquire
Compound access: Screening collection Per plating

(0.2 micromoles per compound)

$5,371 $9,560 $15,000
Compound access: Per-compound cherrypick Per compound***

(up to 1.0 mg)

$39 $66 $105
Compound access: Fee-for-service synthesis Per hour, plus reagents/supplies Enquire Enquire Enquire
Compound handling: Per compund curation Per compound***

(up to 100 mg)

$43 $71 $105

* “Off-peak” internal UPLC rates of $3/sample are available for the Friday, Saturday and Sunday UPLC Night Queues (10pm-8am). To access these rates, there is a 50 sample minimum, samples must be prepared and run on a 384-well plate, the user must be able to replenish solvents the day-of or next day, and additional special advanced training is required. Please contact Lauren Brown for more information on accessing the weekend UPLC Night Queue.

**For mass-guided prep HPLC, each sample can be split in up to 3 injections for a single charge. Additional injections will accrue additional charges.

*** All listed rates for cherrypick and curation include a $5/compound UPLC QC fee.

Contact Lauren Brown for more information.