BU-CMD Repository: Provider FAQ

Q: I am not at a CTSA institution. Can I still submit Repository compounds?

A: Yes! We welcome Provider chemists from all institutions regardless of CTSA funding/affiliation. In the case of limited resources or bandwidth, CTSA-affiliated Providers will receive prioritization.

Q: Does this program have a cost?

A: Thanks to funding from the NCATS CCIA program, CTSA-affiliated Providers can submit compounds to our Repository free-of-charge. Non-CTSA-affiliated Providers may also be eligible to deposit compounds for free; please enquire for more information.

Q: What is the process for submitting compounds to the Repository?

A: All Providers must first send us a listing of structures of the compounds they wish to send.  Following approval of these compounds, Providers must sign two components of our non-negotiable 3-way MTA: a Provider Transfer Agreement (PTA) to enable transfer of compounds to BU, and a single (SPMTA) for execution with each of our Recipients at the time of outgoing shipment. When these documents are signed

Q: What are the requirements for submitting compounds to the Repository?

A: We will generally accept between 5-25 mg of any organic small molecule that is 90% pure by LC-MS-ELSD, and soluble in DMSO at 20 mM concentration. Please note that our purity threshold also applies to diasteromeric content. Some examples of compounds we cannot accept are:

  • Mixtures of diastereomers with d.r. <10:1
  • Compounds with multiple stereocenters where one or more stereocenter is undefined
  • Compounds that are classified by the TSCA or other government agency as known hazards, including but not limited to the classifications “toxic,” “hazardous,” “corrosive,” “explosive,” “flammable,” or “pyrophoric.”
  • Compounds that are subject to export control restrictions
  • Compounds that are reasonably suspected by our staff to pose a possible health hazard, QC/stability issue, or other complication.

We also have a separate page of Curation FAQs that covers additional common questions related to compound submission.

Q: I am interested! How can I get started?

A: Please fill out this Provider Application form and we will contact you ASAP to initiate the submission process.