Summer Institute 2016 Archived webcast!
On June 29, 2016 CoHSTAR held its first Summer Institute on Health Services Research at Boston University. Summer Institute sessions were webcast and the archived proceedings are now available for viewing. This is a wonderful opportunity for the physical therapy community to experience this groundbreaking event!
Access to the archived webcast proceedings is free, but you must register first. CoHSTAR is funded by the Foundation for Physical Therapy (FPT).
Learn more about how the Foundation for Physical Therapy supports physical therapy research here:http://www.foundation4pt.org/
“Learning and collaboration build the core of any strong profession and help to secure our place as leaders in the evolution of health policy and delivery. CoHSTAR’s first-ever Summer Institute on Health Services Research presents a perfect opportunity to gather with your peers to learn about and discuss the latest in breakthrough research and how it is transforming health services.”
-APTA President, Sharon Dunn, PT, PhD, OCS
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The Agenda
8:00 – 8:15 |
Welcome |
Linda Resnik, PT, PhD |
8:15 – 9:15 |
Model #1: The Utah Experience (integrated health care systems) |
Julie Fritz, PT, PhD ATC, FAPTA
Gerard Brennan, PT, PhD |
9:15 – 10:15 |
Model #2: University of Pittsburgh (pragmatic trials) |
Tony Delitto, PT, PhD, FAPTA
Kelley Fitzgerald, PT, PhD
James Irrgang, PT, PhD, ATC, FAPTA |
10:30 – 11:30 |
Model #3: BAYADA Home Health Care (healthcare industry collaboration) |
Pamela Duncan, PT, PhD, FAPTA
Michael Johnson, PT, PhD, OCS |
11:30 – 12:30 |
Model #4: HSR using existing data (Medicare and other large data sets) |
Vince Mor, PhD
Ken Ottenbacher, PhD, OTR |
1:30 – 2:30 |
Model #5: Cleveland Clinics (hospital/academic collaboration) |
Diane Jette, PT, DSc, FAPTA
Mary Stilphen, PT, DPT |
2:30 – 3:30 |
Model #6: John Hopkins (hospital/academic collaboration) |
Alan Jette, PT, MPH, PhD, FAPTA
Michael Friedman, PT, MBA |
3:45 – 4:15 |
Health Services Research Projects – CoHSTAR Visiting Scientists |
Katherine Berg, PT, PhD
Kristin Archer, PhD, DPT |
4:15 – 4:30 |
CoHSTAR Pilot Study and Fellowship Opportunities |
Linda Resnik, PT, PhD |
Our accepted poster presenters!
The CoHSTAR Executive Committee congratulates those who were chosen to present at the poster session that will be held during the Summer Institute on Health Services Research reception on June 28th from 6:00-8:30PM at Boston University:
- Allyn M Bove, PT, DPT
“Does Eliminating Transportation Barriers Improve Access to Physical Therapy in an Underserved Population?”
- Amit Kumar MS, MPH, PhD
“Comorbidity Index Versus Function as Potential Predictors of 30-Day Readmission in Older Patients following Post-Acute Care”
- Anne Thackeray PT
“Predicting physical therapy participation in Medicaid enrollees with low back pain”
- Carmen E. Capó-Lugo, PT, PhD; Patrick Semik; Matthew Boebel; Allen Heinemann, PhD
“More rehabilitation per day is associated with shorter acute care lengths of stay”
- Christine M. McDonough, PT, PhD; Carrie H. Colla, PhD; Donald Carmichael, M.Div; Anna N.A. Tosteson, ScD; Tor D. Tosteson; John-Erik Bell, MD, MS; Robert V. Cantu, MD, MS; Jonathan D Lurie, MD, MPH; Julie P.W. Bynum, MD, MPH
“Falling Down on the Job: Evaluation and Treatment of Fall Risk among Older Persons with Upper Extremity Fragility Fractures”
- Daniel Pinto, PT, PhD
“Identifying preferences for physical activity in older adults with knee pain: design and feasibility of an adaptive discrete choice experiment”
- Falvey, J.R., PT,DPT,GCS; Price, L, MD; Muller, M, BS; Papazian, L, BS; Gustavson, AM, PT, DPT; Stevens-Lapsley, JE, PhD
“Prognostic Value of Physical Performance in the Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly”
- Huang MH; Blackwood J; Johnson-Lawrence V; Godoshian M; Pfalzer L
“Risk Factor Profiles of Falls, Balance and Walking Difficulty in Older cancer Survivors”
- Janet Freburger, PT, Ph.D.; Dongmei Li, MS; Erin Fraher, PhD, MPP
“Use of Physical and Occupational Therapists in Community Settings Following Stroke and the Risk of Rehospitalizations”
- Janet Freburger, PT, PhD; Dongmei Li, MS; Anna Johnson, MSPH, PhD; Erin Fraher, PhD, MPP
“Use of Physical and Occupational Therapists in Community Settings Following Stroke and the Risk of Rehospitalizations”
- Jason Beneciuk; JC Hill; P Campbell; SZ George; E Afolabi; KM Dunn; NE Foster
“Identifying treatment effect modifiers for low back pain prognostic stratified care: secondary analysis of the Start Back trial”
- Katherine Jones PT, PhD
“Association Between Safe Transfer/Mobility Techniques and Fall-Related Injury in the Acute Care Setting”
- Lee Marinko PT, ScD, OCS, OMT, FAAOMPT; Michael Kayajanian, DPT
“Can the amount of exercise impact outcomes in the presence of shoulder pain?”
- Lynn Freeman, PT, PhD, DPT, GCS, CWS*;Natalie E. Leland, PhD, OTR/L, BCG, FAOTA; Bill Cummins, MS CCC-SLP; Mark Besch, PT; Sam Cheng, PT, ScD; Michael Yao, MD CMD; Ken Ottenbacher, PhD, OTR/L
“Validation of Rehabilitation Outcome Measure and its performance among Skilled Nursing Facility in-patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions”
- Maggie Horn DPT, MPH, PhD
“A value proposition for early physical therapist management of neck pain”
- Marissa Meucci, MSPT, PhD
“Home health services: preventing adverse outcomes after total hip arthroplasty”
- Maureen Rinehimer PT, MS, MHS; Genevieve P. Zipp, P.T., Ed.D.; Terrence Cahill, Ed.D., FACHE; Dr. Raju K Parasher, MSc, EdD, PT.
“Factors that contribute to patient-child interactions of pre-term infants in neonatal intensive care unit”
- Miriam R. Rafferty; Peter N. Schmidt; Sheng T. Luo; Kan Li; Fernando Cubilllos; Connie Marras; Thomas Davis; Eugene C. Nelson; Tanya Simuni
“Physical Therapy Use and Outcomes for People with Parkinson’s Disease: Data from the National Parkinson Foundation Quality Improvement Initiative (NPF-QII)”
- Olaide Oluwole-Sangoseni PT, DPT, MSc, PhD; Allison Kell, SPT; Lorentz A, SPT; Peters E, SPT; Loewenstein T, SPT
“Comparison of evidence-based practices among physical therapists in different clinical practice settings – a qualitative exploration”
- Sara Knox, PT, DPT, GCS, CEEAA (PhD student)
“Impact of Dementia on Pneumonia Readmissions”
- Suh-Jen Lin PT, PhD
“Effects of a Six-week Walking Program and Inspiratory Muscle Training on Individuals with Heart Failure – A Preliminary Report”
- Trevor A. Lentz, PT; Steven Z. George, PT, PhD
“Risk Model Development for Additional Healthcare Use Following an Episode of Physical Therapy for Musculoskeletal Pain”
Our accepted workshop applicants!
The CoHSTAR Executive Committee congratulates those who were chosen to participate in the Health Services Research Intensive Workshop on June 30th, where they will have an opportunity for additional training to discuss strategies to promote their research careers:
Adam Goode, DPT, PhD – Duke University; University of North Carolina
Anne Thackeray, PT – University of Utah
Amit Kumar, MS, MPH, PhD- University of Texas Medical Branch
Carmen Capo-Lugo, MS, PhD – Northwestern University; Swedish Covenant Hospital
Christine McDonough, DPT, MS, PhD – Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth; Boston University Health & Disability Research Institute; The Center for Translation of Rehabilitation Engineering Advances and Technology
Daniel Pinto, MS, DPT, PhD – Northwestern University; Scientific Advisory Board, ESCEO
Debbie Thorpe, PT, PhD – The University of North Carolina
Heidi Ojha MSc, DPT – Temple University
Maggie Horn, DPT, MPH, PhD – University of Oklahoma HSC; University of Utah
Miriam Rafferty, DPT, PhD – Northwestern University
Rogelio Coronado, MPT, PhD – Vanderbilt University
Sean Rundell, PT, DPT, PhD – University of Washington
Trevor Lentz, PT, MS, PhD (ongoing) – Shands Rehabilitation, UF & Shands Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Institute, Gainesville, FL
“CoHSTAR was made possible by the generous support of our donors. We are extremely proud of the work being done and are pleased to support the first-of-its-kind Summer Institute on Health Services Research in Physical Therapy.”
-Foundation for Physical Therapy Board of Trustees President, Barbara Connolly, PT, DPT, EdD, FAPTA
If you have any questions about the event, please contact Allie Cole at adcole@bu.edu.