COM in the News: February 2014

February 28, 2014
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COM in the News: February 2014


Edward Boches
Professor of the practice, Advertising

Time, Selling Schadenfreude: Inside the World of ‘Prankvertising’ (2/20/14)
Time, Charity’s Freezing Child Ad Is Profoundly Touching (2/22/14)

John Carroll
Assistant Professor, Mass Communication

NPR's "Here and Now," The Super Bowl was a bust, but what about the ads?" (2/3/14)


T. Barton Carter
Chair, Department of Mass Communication, Advertising & Public Relations
Professor, Communication and Law

E-Commerce Times, Naysayers Wring Hands Over Comcast-TWC Merger (2/13/14)


Mitchell Zuckoff
Professor, Journalism

The Boston Globe, Movie studio eyes Mitch Zuckoff’s Libya book (2/11/14)


Patrice Oppliger
Assistant Professor, Communication

Fox 25, Rockport High School bans yoga pants (2/9/14)