COM Students Win Big at 56th Annual Hatch Awards

Photo from left to right: Mariana Rincon Munoz, Karina Zack (silver winner), Jason Gan (silver winner), Isabella, Bolivar Moreno, Jordan Pories (silver winner)

October 28, 2016
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COM Students Win Big at 56th Annual Hatch Awards

Photo from left to right: Mariana Rincon Munoz, Karina Zack (silver winner), Jason Gan (silver winner), Isabella, Bolivar Moreno, Jordan Pories (silver winner)
Photo from left to right: Mariana Rincon Munoz, Karina Zack (silver winner), Jason Gan (silver winner), Isabella, Bolivar Moreno, Jordan Pories (silver winner)

This week, COM students received 12 of the 15 student awards presented at the 56th Annual Hatch Awards , the Ad Club’s annual celebration of creative excellence in advertising. COM students won four silver awards, two bronze and six merit awards for campaigns that included videos, websites, digital products and services, online advertising and print. In total, 22 COM students received awards, including 13 undergraduates and 9 graduate students. These students were also featured in the award show book and will be permanently featured on the Ad Club’s website.

Edward Boches, COM professor of advertising, joined students at the event. “To see our name up on the big screen over and over again reminds the creative community of just how talented our students are and how well our program prepares them” says Boches.

“This is the second year in a row that COM has stood out at Hatch,” says Pegeen Ryan, associate professor of advertising at COM. She echoes Boches in stating how well COM prepares students to compete at a professional level.

At the award ceremony numerous COM alumni also won awards for work created at agencies such as Hill Holiday, MullenLowe, Arnold, Allen & Gerritsen, MMB and Connelly and Partners.

The Hatch Awards stands as a premiere regional creative award show showcasing work that goes on to win at national and international shows including Cannes and One Show. The judges of this year’s competition came from ad agencies that included Goodby, Silverstein and Partners, The Martin Agency, Grey, 72 and Sunny and other top-tier shops.

Winning students:

Athanasia Efthimiu COM '16 merit
Ayusha Mittal COM '17 merit
Clemence Pluche COM '16 merit
Grace Wu COM '16 silver
Grace Pearson COM '17 silver
Jason Gan COM '16 bronze
Jordan Pories COM '16 silver
Karina Zack COM '16 silver
Kiersten Utegg COM '16 bronze
Michael Philbin COM '17 merit
Noemie Carrant COM '16 silver
Sarah Fisher COM '16 merit
Sumer Kotwal COM '16 bronze

Grad Students
Amy Wu COM '17 silver
Christina Guo COM '17 merit
Jay An COM '17 merit
Juliana Miragiia COM '17 silver
Marina Tang COM '17 merit
Silas Zhao COM '17 merit
Weihao Li COM '17 silver
Yizhu Tang COM '17 silver
Yuan Yuan Gui COM '17 merit

Written by: Tatiana M.R. Johnson

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