UniTEA: a BU Student Project for Unilever

Students in action

September 15, 2015
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UniTEA: a BU Student Project for Unilever

What’s New in Advertising?

A spec campaign by COM students says it all.

The assignment was a tough one, says Edward Boches (COM’76): create an ad campaign that will help solve a megacity problem on behalf of a Unilever brand.

Students in the advertising professor’s Strategic Creative Development class, where teams work as five-person agencies, “identified racial tension in London as their problem and concluded that tea, common to all cultures, offered a solution,” Boches wrote in his description of the project on medium.com. Choosing the Unilever tea brand PG Tips, Rich Peters (CGS’12, COM’15), Michelle Lawrence (COM’15), Drew DiSabatino (COM’15), Lara Kessides (COM’15) and Yi Wang (COM’15) “conceived an original product—uniTEA (an offering of different teas from different cultures), developed the brand ID, packaging, social engagement and advertising.” They also made a video. “Did I mention they had but three weeks?”

Read the full article in COMtalk