Nigel Taylor

About Nigel Taylor

What is your background and why did you choose Media Ventures to supplement your future endeavors?

I received my bachelor’s degree in May 2016 from University of Kentucky in Communications. I left University of Kentucky with dreams bigger than ever but no real concrete plan of accomplishing them. I originally was in the Television/Management Grad Program at Boston University; however, I realize really quick the program was not for me. I switched to Media Ventures half way through the semester because I believed (and now know) it would be a better fit for me. I’ve always had an entrepreneurial and innovative spirit within me. I am going to start a company when I finish this program that will positively impact the world and eventually change the world for the better. I see the Media Ventures program as a way to really sharpen my focus and learn how to build a concrete plan to accomplish my aspirations.

In a few words, describe your thesis project and what’s been the most challenging/fun aspect so far.

I am actually in the process of rebranding my original thesis project. I was originally creating a way for people to share their stories and creative works with the world. I hit so many roadblocks with that so I’m working on something new. The challenging aspect goes hand in hand with the fun aspect. I love how my thesis project is challenging me to come up with new ideas.

What are your hobbies and/or what do you do for fun?

I have so many hobbies. I would say my main two would have to be love and fitness. You must be wondering: How is love a hobby? Love is the greatest thing on the planet and an important foundation to my life. I try to spread love through positive vibes, vibrations, and energy. You never know who’s close to their breaking point so I will always try to do what I can to make someone’s day better. I’m also a huge fitness fanatic. I love going to the gym, eating healthy, and playing basketball.

What is your advice for future applicants?

The best advice for future applicants I can give is trust the process. No matter where you are in your life, own it. I’m a firm believer everything happens for a reason and what you’re dealing with is either a blessing or a lesson. If you ever begin to question your journey, hold your hand to your heart. If you feel your heart beating, that’s a sign you have a purpose to fulfill. Don’t give up.