BU’s Commitment to Ethics and Compliance

Boston University is committed to the highest ethical and professional standards of conduct. Members of the University community should conduct their activities as required by law and University policies. Each department is responsible for monitoring applicable laws, developing and maintaining appropriate procedures, and communicating those policies and procedures to the community.

Compliance Program Framework

Boston University is committed to meeting the legal obligations that govern its many activities.  Those obligations often are complex and require coordination among several departments across the University.  The Compliance Framework identifies the critical components of any effort to achieve compliance. The BU community will be able to meet its compliance obligations more efficiently and effectively if we share a common framework for communicating about and tackling compliance.



Compliance Services Six Part Framework: Provide training, develop procedures, report and investigate concerns, establish priorities, monitor and correct course, and clarify obligations.

  • Step 1: Clarify Obligations.
    Understanding what is required — and what isn’t — is the necessary first step in meeting our legal obligations.
  • Step 2: Establish Priorities.
    Assessing and monitoring the consequences of any compliance shortcomings (including how laws are enforced in higher education) can help ensure that you spend limited time and resources most effectively.
  • Step 3: Develop Procedures.
    Developing and publicizing clear policies and procedures makes it easier – and therefore more likely – for members of our community to do the right thing.
  • Step 4: Provide Training.
    Offering concise, practical training materials helps members of our community understand what they’re required to do and how to do it.
  • Step 5: Report and Investigate Concerns.
    Encouraging members of our community to report violations of laws or policies and diligently investigating reports made in good faith fosters our ethical culture, one of our most critical core values.
  • Step 6: Monitor and Correct Course.
    Identifying and resolving small problems as they arise reduces the risk that significant problems will occur.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Thiago Oliveira at MED Alumni Medical Library (2015)

What is compliance?

As a large research and teaching institution, Boston University is subject to many federal, state and local laws and regulations, as well as standards set by outside organizations such as accrediting bodies and athletics associations. Compliance refers generally to the University’s efforts to meet these obligations.


Bird's eye view of the Charles River Campus, Boston University (2014)

Who is responsible for compliance?

The area and operational owners identified on the University’s Compliance Matrix are primarily responsible for those areas. However, it is everyone’s responsibility to act ethically, and to understand and meet the University’s legal obligations.

Recreational basketball players going one on one at BU FitRec (2014)

What is the role of the Compliance Services Office?

Mission Statement: The Compliance Services Office coordinates the University’s efforts to meet compliance obligations efficiently and effectively and fosters ethical behavior and a culture of integrity through reinforcement of Boston University’s Code of Ethical Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy.


Compliance Services is available to assist all members of the University community in clarifying obligations, developing and updating policies and procedures, developing and providing training, monitoring and assessing compliance efforts, and taking corrective action as necessary to address concerns.  It also monitors legislative developments and provides updates on new requirements. See the About Us section of this page to learn more about the office activities and staff.

Amateur photographer Habibe Durmaz in her striking red head scarf (2012)

What if I want to report a concern about Compliance?

You should not hesitate to discus any concerns about compliance with laws or University policies to your supervisor, unit or department head, dean or the senior leader responsible for your area.  You can also report concerns to a number of other Boston University offices or through our confidential, anonymous Ethics and Compliance Hotline.
You can also contact our office as a starting place. Our general email is comply@bu.edu.

Compliance Services Assistance

You and your organizations already have many of the elements of the Compliance Framework in place. Compliance Services is available to help you identify how your current practices fit the Framework and identify any gaps in your BU offices, departments, schools, and programs.  We look forward to working with you to help ensure that we meet the University’s legal obligations efficiently and effectively.