Production Space & Equipment Usage for Non-Class Purposes

Policy on Studio and Equipment Reservations for Purposes Other than COM Assigned Coursework

COM will generally try to accommodate currently enrolled students working on “Personal Projects” and other club or creative endeavors which have not been formally assigned as required COM coursework. Equipment available under this policy is limited to basic audio and photo equipment (DSLRs, handheld audio recorders, etc) and selected production/recording spaces. The following conditions must be met:

1. The request can be accommodated without interfering with COM’s academic needs as determined by the Technical Operations staff. This includes the staffing and maintenance required to meet the request.

2. A Boston University professor must be on record as sponsoring the request. Sponsorship includes oversight and review of work produced, verification of the student’s needs, and attesting that the requestor understands and will adhere to COM’s reservation and studio regulations. The sponsor may be contacted on behalf of the student.

3. Stipulations regarding “Cine” Style equipment: The grip/electric and camera equipment managed by COM is intended solely for use in FTV production courses and related projects. Students may not check out equipment to use with personal projects or Directed Studies. Directed Studies, Internships, etc are not production courses. A faculty sponsor will not exempt students from this limitation.

Requests for use of equipment or spaces post-graduation: The above policies apply to current COM students and recent graduates until August 15 of the year of graduation. (May graduates.) We are unable to accommodate requests for equipment or space for recent graduates when classes are in session, even if the requestor is continuing a project started when they were enrolled as a student and they have approval of their former faculty sponsor.

The COM Technical staff may ask to verify current faculty sponsorship at any point in the reservation/checkout process. The Technical Operations staff reserves the right to limit or curtail reservations created under this policy.

For questions and requests to use equipment, please email

Last Update: June 2024