Dr. Klein is a classicist who loves reading, seeing, staging, and teaching ancient drama. She has taught a wide range of courses on language, civilization, literature, and drama at both Boston University and Boston College. Her research focuses on the ways in which themes and devices from Greek and Roman theater pervade and influence other ancient and modern art forms. Her projects have explored: Horace’s use of dramatic material in the Sermones and Epistles, the chorus in Sophocles’ Ajax, mute characters in the plays of Plautus and Terence, parallels between Roman comedy and modern television sitcoms, and the striking similarities between the comedic formulas employed by Greek satyr drama and the American cartoon, Animaniacs.
She is the author of a book-length work on Plautus’ Menaechmi.
In addition to her academic work, Dr. Klein has written several plays inspired by classical literature.